Realms of Arkania - Blades of Destiny Extra money: ------------ Go to Runinshaven island, the island south of Ljasdal with the cult. Once there, a cave can be found by traveling. On the first floor of the cave is a donation bowl. Enter 999999 and you will receive money instead of donating it. Hint - Easy experience: ----------------------- If you are having problems gaining levels in Realms of Arkania:Blade of Destiny, here is an easy way to gain some. In Prem, there is a secret cavern. In the central-northern part of town, the hidden cavern is at the end of a short road. When you step on the right space, a screen with the door will appear. Every time you leave the cavern, you will gain about 400 experience. By entering and leaving the cavern, you can gain a few levels quickly. Make sure you have high energy though; cave-ins occasionally occur. This may work with other caves, but I haven't tested it yet. Girdle of Strength Glitch: -------------------------- Change which hand the Girdle of Strength is in repeatedly to increase your strength by five points each time. Don't overdo it or you'll die. What you need to finish the game: --------------------------------- At least you need 7 parts of the treasure map to find the Blade of Destiny and the attack plan from the Orcs, which can be find in the orcish cave between Skelellen and Phexcaer. With this attack plan your group is able to find the Orc-Camp between Phexcar and the lonely lake where the anchorite lives. You still have enough time to find 8 pieces of the map. Finding the ninth part depends on a random encounter and cannot always be discovered. When you get the message that something on the map can be decrypted you'll have enough parts to find Hyggelik and Grimring. Not later than 2 years and 10 months after beginning you need to get to the Orc-Camp and defeat the Orc-Champion, otherwise the game is over. The date when the orcs will raid the land is(in the german version) the 27th Peraine, 17 Hal. When you have Grimring and the attack plan you can dally around but always keep an eye on the calender. Unlimited strength: ------------------- Constan switch the hand that is holding the Girdle Of Strength to increase that character's strength by five points. Note: Doing this too much will result in a negative value and death.