Rainbow Six 3 - Raven Shield Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: conner54 Cheat mode: ----------- Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Bring up the console and type: Code Result ---------------------------------- behindView 1 - Allows you to play in third person (0 is first person) ghost - Allows you to fly around the map (typing Walk will end it) fullAmmo - Stocks your player with lots of ammo demoRec demoname - Records a demo of your current game stopDemo - Stops recording current demo demoPlay demoname - Plays the demo you call upon. god - Makes you invincible godteam - Makes you and your team invincible godhostage - Makes the hostages invincible; this command: 1 = Yes 2 = No godall - Activates all the god modes toggleUnlimitedPractice - Mission objectives are updated but game never ends toggleCollision - Allows you to walk through other actors (team, terrorists and hostages) toggleThreatInfo - Shows threat info neutralizeTerro - Neutralises all terrorists on the level disarmbombs - Disarms all the bombs on the level deactivateIODevice - Deactivate IODevice like phones, laptop (ie: plant a bug) rescuteHostage - "Rescues" all hostages on the level disableMorality - Disables morality rules -- Terrorist Commands -- callTerro - Calls all terrorists to your location playerInvisible - Toggle player detection by terrorists tSurrender - All terrorists surrender on sight tSprayFire - Makes the terrorists shoot wildly when they see you tAimedfire - Makes all terrorists aim and fire at you tRunAway - Makes all terrorists run away from you tNoThreat - Sets all terrorits back to their original no threat state Exploding bullet sound: ----------------------- Throw a WP grenade and switch back to your primary weapon as it explodes. If timed correctly, when you fire your weapon it will sound like a WP grenade is exploding, and when you reload it sounds like the pin to a grenade is being pulled. Switching back to grenades ends this. Clearing rooms: --------------- To clear out a room, stand besides the door, as one of your teammates would have if you told him to clear out a room. Make sure that your clip is full and the action icon does not have the brackets around it, so your teammates will not open it for you and take fire. Finally, make sure that all of your teammates are stacked up properly: (for double doors) _____ (for single doors) ___ * * * * * * * * Then, rush the room with thermal/night vision (your choice) on and scan left to right for enemies. Then, strafe to the left of the door to let your teammates in. Next, walk around the perimeter of the room and when your teammates say threat neutralized (on some smaller rooms they do not say anything), your work is done. Oil refinery: ------------- On the first level that you are in an oil refinery, take an HE grenade launcher as your secondary weapon. At the end when the enemies fire RPGs, take it out. Step out from under the roof area so that enemy fires an RPG. Three enemies will appear. Shoot an HE round to kill them. Move back under the roof, reload you HE Grenade launcher, and wait until a second RPG is fired. Move around the corner and with your HE grenade launcher and shoot the man that is standing there. Turn around, and when the garage door opens, shoot the barrels on the right side with your primary weapon. Kill all enemies, secure the hostage, and the level will be completed. Note: It recommended that you save the game when you open the door that leads to the RPG area. Conserving ammunition: ---------------------- After every fire fight, reload even if you have 22 rounds remaining. If you keep doing this, you should have enough ammunition for the long fire fights and levels. Exploding bullet sound: ----------------------- Throw a WP grenade and switch back to your primary weapon as it explodes. If timed correctly, when you fire your weapon it will sound like a WP grenade is exploding, and when you reload it sounds like the pin to a grenade is being pulled. Switching back to grenades ends this.