Rags to Riches HexCheat: --------- Load a savegame file into a HexEditor and change Want to get rich quickly then go to Hex 889 and type in any number for millions if not billions of dollars. Try FF. Cheats: ------- Submitted by: riqardus1 Monitor: alt + M (in WinVice)x64.exe "f 4964 4964 60" - Thief doesn't take any money from you.fx "f 42a2 42a2 2c" - You never get exhausted. "f 1599 1599 2c" - Buy a ticket and use it multiple times "f cf1a cf1a 12" - Get 10 dollars (won't see this until you earn or waste some) "f cf38 cf38 40" - Buttload of money (won't see this until you earn or waste some) "f 59f2 59f2 00" - IRS doesn't take your savings.