Puzzle Quest - Challenge Of The Warlords Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: RM Alternate ending sequence: -------------------------- Free the Sorcerer that Darkhunter asks you to take to the Red Tower near the start of the game to unlock three new areas at the end of the game. Unlock 3 new areas at the end of the game: ------------------------------------------ Free the Sorcerer that Darkhunter asks you to take to the Red Tower near the start of the game. Easy HP: -------- Create a knight, and train him to level 40 with a high fire mastery. Fire mastery can be increased by getting some special items, such as Rune Items. Make sure you can hold at least 48 Fire Mana. Capure a Fire Elemental, and research the spell "Fire Siphon". The spell Chivalry is also required. You can learn it at level 40. Select those two spells so that you can cast them. Start a battle, and check the resistance of your enemy. It is best if their resistance is 0%. First, cast Chivalry. It will remove effects such as Poison and will raise you and your enemy's mana to the maximum. In your next turn, cast Fire Siphon. This will drain your enemy's red mana and add it to your life points (not your maximum life points). Hint: Quests has split: ----------------------- Example: King's daughter needs to merry some kind of lord but she doesnt want it and you must escort her to wedding. And there are 2 things you can do: 1. Take her to other town. 2. Obey king and take her to wedding, So it is hard choice.I took example from game so these are rewards: 1. You get 2500 gold,queens ring and her as companion. 2. You get nothing. Another example is the first that happened in game for me: You captured skeleton socrecer with your friend undead hunter(forgot his name) and he tells you to take him to some kind of keep where knights live.(undead hunter cant come with you cause he is banished) While you travel evil skel socrecer tells you to take him back to his castle and says he will give you artifact sword and info about undead invasion. You again have 2 choices: 1. Help skel socrecer, 2. Do what undead hunter says, Rewards: -------- 1.I dont know but i think skel socrecer will give you sword and tell info about undead invasion. 2.you will get undead hunter as companion.(Even if skel socrecer will give good reward i suggest companion cause companions give good passive effect) Language: --------- For all of you who speaks german, spanish french or italian and want to play the game in your language, do as followed: Right click the game icon (on the desktop or startmenu) and select property. add to the text in "target" (it's where the executable is written) '-GERMAN', '-SPANISH', '-FRENCH' or '-ITALIAN' (without the ' and seperated by a blank). This will translate the text in the game to the corresponing language. Example: (Default installation) Game Icon points to: "c:program filespuzzle questpuzzle quest.exe" make it "c:program filespuzzle questpuzzle quest.exe" -FRENCH in order to play the game in french. Modifying assets outside of the game: ------------------------------------- Try to edit lua/xml files at assets with notepad. you can increase XP, Gold rewards for quests, giving bonuses for items (i gave +20 dmg at my mirror armor), changing capture puzzles, monsters details, spells like editing manas, cooldown times etc. Skill Up Wisely: ---------------- On each new level you will get four skill points to spend on the attributes page of your character and two points which you can spend within the temple (in your capitol). The trick is to spend the different points right. Increasing an attribute on the attribute page will cost you between one and three points (depending on the attribute and your character class). Increasing an attribute in the temple will cost you one point and some gold (depending on the attributes level). To maximize the effect of the skill points you increase the attributes which will cost you one skill point on the attributes page and all other attributes within the temple. Unlock three new areas when the game ends: ------------------------------------------ To unlock three new areas at the end of the game, free the sorcerer that Darkhunter asks you to take to the red tower near the beginning of the game.