Psi-Ops - The Mindgate Conspiracy Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitteed by: RM Highlight the "Extra Content" option at the main menu and press the key assigned to Aura View (default is V). A sound will confirm correct code entry and the console window will appear. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Some codes are only available in the beta version of the game. All powers: ----------- Enter 537893 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game. Super Psi: ---------- Enter 456456 as a code. The Psi meter will drain slower. Unlimited ammunition: --------------------- Enter 978945 as a code. Bulletproof: ------------ Enter 548975 as a code. You will receive less damage, but will not be immune from bullets. No head: -------- Enter 987978 as a code. Arcade mode: ------------ Enter 05051979 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game to unlock the "Arcade" option at the "Extra Content" menu. Coop mode: ---------- Enter 07041979 as a code. Survival mode: -------------- Enter 7734206 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 3. Dark mode: ---------- Enter 465486 as a code. Aura Pool bonus mission: ------------------------ Enter 659785 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 8. Floor of Death bonus mission: ----------------------------- Enter 05120926 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 4. Bottomless Pit bonus mission: ----------------------------- Enter 154897 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 4. Bouncy Bouncy bonus mission: ---------------------------- Enter 568789 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 2. Gasoline bonus mission: ----------------------- Enter 9442662 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 6. Gear Gauntlet bonus mission: ---------------------------- Enter 154684 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 3. Panic Room bonus mission: ------------------------- Enter 76635766 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 3. Psi Pool bonus mission: ----------------------- Enter 565485 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 6. Stop Lights bonus mission: -------------------------- Enter 945678 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 7. Tip The Idol bonus mission: --------------------------- Enter 428584 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 1. TK Alley bonus mission: ----------------------- Enter 090702 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 2. Up And Over bonus mission: -------------------------- Enter 020615 as a code. Alternately, find the Gnome in level 4. Gnomotron bonus mission: ------------------------ Enter 456878 as a code. Alternately, find all Gnomes in the game. Burnt soldier skin: -------------------- Enter 454566 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting. Clown General skin: ------------------- Enter 431644 as a code. Alternately, Collect all six orbs in the General Boss battle. Dockworker skin: ---------------- Enter 364654 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting. Dragon Wei Lu skin: ------------------- Enter 978789 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game on hard difficulty setting. Edgar Barrett skin: ------------------- Enter 497878 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the elite difficulty setting. This costume has Enhanced Telekinesis. General skin: ------------- Enter 459797 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the elite difficulty setting. This costume has Enhanced Telekinesis, Enhanced Mind Control, and Enhanced Pyrokinesis. Jack skin: ---------- Enter 698798 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the elite difficulty setting. Jov Leonov skin: ---------------- Enter 468987 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the elite difficulty setting. This costume has Enhanced Mind Control. Komiko skin: ------------ Enter 978798 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting . Labcoat skin: ------------- Enter 998789 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting. Marlena Pyro skin: ------------------ Enter 489788 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the elite difficulty setting. This costume has Enhanced Pyrokinesis. Marlena Pyro Bikini skin: ------------------------- Enter 135454 as a code. Marlena Pyro Leather skin: -------------------------- Enter 231644 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the elite difficulty setting. MP1 skin: --------- Enter 321646 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting. MP2 skin: --------- Enter 698799 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting. MP3 skin: --------- Enter 654659 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game on hard difficulty setting. Psi Sara skin: -------------- Enter 468799 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game on hard difficulty setting. Sara skin: ---------- Enter 135488 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting. Saranae: -------- Enter 65496873 as a code. Scorpion skin: -------------- Enter 546546 as a code. Stealth Nick skin: ------------------ Enter 456498 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the elite difficulty setting. Suicide Sara skin: ------------------ Enter 678999 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game on hard difficulty setting. Tonya skin: ----------- Enter 136876 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game on hard difficulty setting. Training Edgar Barret 1 skin: ----------------------------- Enter 196001 as a code. This costume has Enhanced Telekinesis. Training Edgar Barret 2 skin: ----------------------------- Enter 196002 as a code. This costume has Enhanced Telekinesis. Training Edgar Barret 3 skin: ----------------------------- Enter 196003 as a code. This costume has Enhanced Telekinesis. Training Edgar Barret 4 skin: ----------------------------- Enter 196004 as a code. This costume has Enhanced Telekinesis. Training Edgar Barret 5 skin: ----------------------------- Enter 196005 as a code. This costume has Enhanced Telekinesis. Training Edgar Barret 6 skin: ----------------------------- Enter 196006 as a code. This costume has Enhanced Telekinesis. Training Nick skin: ------------------- Enter 564689 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting. Tranquillity Wei Lu skin: ------------------------- Enter 654654 as a code. UN Soldier skin: ---------------- Enter 365498 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting. Urban Nick skin: ---------------- Enter 484646 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting. Wasteland Nick skin: -------------------- Enter 975466 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game on h ard difficulty setting. Wei Lu skin: ------------ Enter 231324 as a code. Alternately, successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting. Defeating Jov Lenov - Master of Mind Control: --------------------------------------------- TK the MPs that Lenov is MCing and throw them at the machines. After you destroy all of the machines, Lenov will fight you. Just use your gun or TK the MPs and throw them at him. Defeating Edgar Barret - Master of Telekinesis: ------------------------------------------------ TK the objects on the conveyor belt and throw them at Barret. After you get his health down a bit, he will take the fight outdoors. Just do the same thing until you defeat him. Watch out when he throws the large crates and boxcars at you. They can kill you in one hit if you are not careful. Wait until he rests, then nail him. Defeating Wei Lu - Master of Illusion: -------------------------------------- Use PK on the statues then shoot them. After you destroy all the statues, Wei Lu will transform into a huge three-headed dragon. Destroy all three heads to defeat her. It is best to go to the back of the room and use the assault rifle if possible. Use TK to throw the jars on the statues. To kill the monster itself, run to the room where it came from and keep using Pyrokinesis. Defeating Marlena Kessler - Master of Pyrokinesis: -------------------------------------------------- Use TK to pick up and throw the canisters at the large gun. To avoid the huge blast, go to the back of the room. You will notice some glass things that popped out of the floor. Get behind one of them. Once you destroy the huge weapon, Marlena will fight you. TK the canisters and throw them at her to defeat her. Note: The canisters will refill after you use them all (they must all explode). Also, make sure you are on the side that she is on. Defeating Nicholas Wrightson - Master of Remote Viewing: -------------------------------------------------------- Destroy all the screens in the room to defeat Wrightson. You can only destroy them when they are firing. Just dodge the ray and shoot them. Be sure to also, avoid the Aura Beasts in the room. When the fight starts, run forwards and to the right hand side of Nicholas Wrightson, so that you are positioned against the wall and can see the screens the he uses to fire laser beams at you. When there, use your machine gun or assault rifle on the screens. They will explode, and you will take little damage. The screens cannot hit you without hitting another screen. Watch out for Aura Beasts, but they are not too difficult. It is possible to defeat this Boss in under thirty seconds, even under the elite difficulty setting. Defeating The General - Leader of The Movement: ------------------------------------------------ Use PK on each Monolith pillar (the spinning things). Upon destroying them you can collect up to six orbs (which will be scattered around the room) for your new psionic weapon. Once The General gets to full health, the fight will begin. Just shoot him with the psionic weapon to damage him. You can refill your psionic weapon's ammunition by getting in the center of the Monolith. Note: Make sure to quickly get out from the Monolith once your ammunition is refilled. Also, when The General goes invisible, just use your Aura View to see him. Defeating Zombies: ------------------ If you have a shotgun, just shoot them in the head. If not, MC one with a shotgun and use him. When fighting the Zombies, simply use Mind Drain to kill them. Mainframe code: --------------- On the level where you fight Jov Leanov, there is no exact code to get into the mainframe. The code is different in each game. The way to get the code is to use your remote viewing and go into the room all the way at the end of the hallway. Once your remote viewer is in it, you will see people standing at a computer. Look at the computer screen to see the code needed to access the mainframe in big numbers. Instant kill: ------------- To instantly kill someone with a shotgun without having to aim at their head, use TK to levitate them as high as possible without multi levitating. Walk almost, if not directly under them, and fire the shotgun. It should automatically aim at their head and blast it off. Mind Control and TK MP3s while they are still alive: ---------------------------------------------------- TK an item that can be thrown, or anything that can knock an MP3 down such as a box or crate. Throw it at the MP3. While the MP3 is on the ground, use either TK or MC to lift the MP3 or Mind Control him. While in mind control, if the MP3 has a weapon other than a handgun, commit suicide with the MP3. His head will explode, which will not happen even if you get a headshot with a shotgun. Use Psi powers on the robot in practice mode (Psi training): ------------------------------------------------------------ Hit him in the back of the head with something, then use powers (MC, Lev.. etc.). Alternate suicide effects: -------------------------- If you are MCing a Dockworker or a Blue Suit, they cannot commit suicide because they do not have weapons,even though some Dockworkers hold knives. Exploding enemies: ------------------ When you kill somebody, take a sniper rifle and aim around his body until you find one of his grenades. Zoom into it, then shoot it. His body will explode. Elevator music: --------------- On the level with Wei Lu, while you are in the elevator the music playing sounds like "With My Mind" by Cold. See dead enemy spirits: ----------------------- You can actually see the spirit of the enemies that you kill. To do this, you need to have the Aura Vision ability. Then, kill a guard while in Aura Vision mode. You will see their "spirit" float up, cartoon-style. Flying corpses: --------------- Find a dead body and use Mind Drain. Instead of holding [Mind Drain], repeatedly tap it and the body will fly into the air. Special skin abilities: ----------------------- Some of the character skins have special abilities. For example, there are masters of Psi powers such as Barret, Pyro, and Lenov. They can do many more things than Nick with their powers. If you were to unlock their skins, you will also get those abilities. Edgar Barret: Can carry all MPs, has the ability to carry very heavy objects (boxcars, trains, crates, etc.; preferably in the Barret boss fight), Psi drains slower than usual. Jov Lenov : Can Mind Control anyone, can make anyone commit suicide at anytime, Psi drains slower than usual. Marlena Pyro Skin: Her Pyrokinesis can burn faster, fire goes through most objects or until it hits a wall, Psi drains slower. The General Skin: Has all the powers listed above. Defeating Edgar Barret - Master of Telekinesis: ----------------------------------------------- TK the objects on the conveyor belt and throw them at Barret. After you get his health down a bit, he will take the fight outdoors. Just do the same thing until you defeat him. Watch out when he throws the large crates and boxcars at you. They can kill you in one hit if you are not careful. Wait until he rests, then nail him.