Prison Architect Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Passwords: ---------- Navigate to the Prison Architect save file folder by opening the in-game save menu and clicking on the link found at the bottom of the Save/Load option. Locate the save file you wish to edit, and open it using your preferred text editor. Here you can search for and edit various parameters as listed below to alter your file; it's not a bad idea to back up your save file before trying any of these! Password What it does ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin Finance # - Edit # to the desired amount of money you wish to have. EnableElectricity - Toggle between True or False to set whether or not you need to place any electrical appliances in your prison. EnableWater - Toggle between True or False to set whether or not you need to place water works in your prison. Infinite money: --------------- Start a new game and save it, then exit the game. Use a text editor to edit a prison file in the "/app data/local/introversion/Prison architect/Saves" directory. Search for the word "finance" and you will see value for "balance". Change it any desired amount, save, and start the game. Select your edited saved game, and you should see the altered balance. Water not needed: ----------------- Start a new game and save it, then exit the game. Use a text editor to edit a prison file in the "/app data/local/introversion/Prison architect/Saves" directory. Change the value of the "EnableWater" line from "true" to "false". Electrical appliances not needed: --------------------------------- Start a new game and save it, then exit the game. Use a text editor to edit a prison file in the "/app data/local/introversion/Prison architect/Saves" directory. Change the value of the "EnableElectricity" line from "true" to "false". Note: This will prevent you from using door servos with the "Water not needed" code. Easy "Wait And Hope" achievement: --------------------------------- Attempt this during the campaign. You will always have a large amount of money and can delay most objectives as long as desired to have enough time.