Pokeplushies All round cheats!: ------------------ Submitted by: M+M Red bottle caps(RBC): Win these in guess the number, fishing fever + Click Exchange(CE) Yellow bottle caps(YBC): By leveling up random pokemon in the click exchange. Also get them in fishing fever by getting to a certain amount of fishing fever points Green Bottle Caps(GBC): Get them in fishing fever and by giving in fully grown dinomon into the harders store Blue Bottle caps(BBC): Get these by entering or winning offical contest! Silver Bottle Caps(SBC): People don't really know how you get these but if you get a premum account you get a few 3-5 i think Black bottle caps(Bbc): Buy these with REAL money Last cheats: ------------ -Some contest give adoptables away FREE and look out for the ones that scam you incase! -the hallowen event is over it starts again next year but the christmas event is coming soon! -Hallowen Maruchi + Ghost are on sale in the market and you can trade for them at trades!