Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. How to Import Old Characters: ----------------------------- Once you have Access to Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2, head to the mailbox regardless of which side are you on like Zombies or Plants. Each side has one Mailbox to look for near hall of records. As soon as you get access to Mailbox first thing they will prompt you is 'Do you want to Import your old Character' then you need to press Yes which is Triangle on DualShock4(PS4) and 'Y' for Xbox One users. Once you accept the request all the characters will be imported to your new game and all in just a few seconds. If you have any trouble with the importing then do have a look at your EA account, both should be same in the game for a successful import. Enjoy your Old characters. Best of Zombies: ---------------- Coming Straight to the characters the best to offer you S-Rank are Engineers like Electrician as they have a pretty good mobility and Higher Fire rate. While riding the Jackhammer, you can quickly take out multiple enemies with Splash damage. The Electrician works best for its class with maximum damage radius and less accuracy. Best of Plants: --------------- Just like Zombies, Plants also has a very good character to perform best in the Crazy Targets Range mission. You need to use Toxic Pea to get the best Time and climb the top of the Leaderboard. All you need to learn is handle this character well. It has the best splash radius which can take multiple targets at a time. If you've expert this character then you will know how to plant the chili Bean Bomb to take all four target at once. This saves time and finishes off the game quickly. SO get your name on the Leaderboard.