Pitfall – The Mayan Adventure

Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure

Cheat Codes:
Try entering these codes:

Code                   Effect
meowmeowlikemeowman  - 9 lives
eatmorebran          - 9 continues
pumpyouup            - 99 of each weapon
fiveeasypieces       - skip first 5 levels
idbuythatforadollar  - Access any level
letsdothetimewarp    - Atari level warp
hatman               - Silly! Stick figure mode
iddqd                - Meet the makers
framerate            - Display framerate
iddqd or idkfa       - Joke screen with programmer picture

Authors picture:
While in game, pressing IDDQD or IDKFA will show a game secret
window with a picture of the authors and the phrase : 
"Hey, this game is not Doom".

Speed change:
Submitted by: Tarique Nadeem

when your playing the game, pause it and click on options, you'll see a drop down 
menu called "frame skip: at the top, click on that, then you'll see two more menus"
automatic and "throttle", under these two options will be a few numbers which you 
should not mess with, turn on automatic(if its already on, don't touch it) then 
click on throttle, a few more optoins should come, no throttle, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 
other. experiment with all them ( except "other") until you get the exact speed you 
need, slow or fast.

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