Perfect Weapon Cheat Codes: ------------ Type these codes while playing Perfect Weapon and then press Enter. Code Result ----------------------------------------- gmborg - Transforms you into a cyborg. gmgodm - God mode. gmkill - Enemies becomes easy to kill. gmnorm - Transforms you into normal. gmpete - All powerups. gmbigh - Big head mode. gmmove - All moves. Level Passwords: ---------------- Enter the following at the password screen: Level Codes: ------------ dbdbbaba 1. addcaadc 2. acbabbcc 3. adddcacc 4. ddbdbbca 5. ccdbccda 6. aadbddac 7. caddcbcc 8. adaabadb 9. baddbbbc 10. abbdadda 11. dcadcaac 12.