Oregon Trail 2

Oregon Trail 2

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: jens lohse

More money:
Go to a livery stable and buy four to five oxen. Then, go to trade and find 
someone who will trade money for your oxen. Trade the oxen for as much money
as possible, but more than what you paid for them. Keep in mind that oxen 
differ in price depending on what location you are in. Keep trading the oxen
for more money until the desired amount of money is received.

Catch fish:
To catch fish, rest by a river, stream, or lake.

Press [F4] to change wagon color.

If you are a trail guide, be a pastor. It will keep your morale high and you 
can trade sets of clothing at $10 profit apiece.

Faster healing:
If you choose the option to become a doctor at the beginning of the game, the 
people in your party will most likely heal faster when they get sick.

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