Orc Attack: Flatulent Rebellion Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Achievements: ------------------- Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: Achievement How to Unlock ---------------------------------------------------------------- Orc One (10 points) : Win a multiplayer mission (local or online). Orc Warrior (10 points) : Kill 100 enemies. Orc Helper (10 points) : Bring back to life 1 Orc warrior killed in combat. Untouchable Orc (20 points) : Complete a level without taking any damage. Orc Master (30 points) : Hit 1000 enemies without being touched by them. Millonaire Orc (30 points) : Collect 300 coins in one combat level. Fashion Orc (40 points) : Wear all the hats, helmets and masks. Expert Orc (40 points) : Reach experience Level 15. Orc Hero (40 points) : Kill the Mad Man. Black Stone (50 points) : Collect all the Black Stones. Nightmare Orc (50 points) : Kill the Mad Man in Nightmare mode.