One Piece - Grand Battle 3 Hints: ------ Submitted by: RM Alvida: ------- Successfully complete the game in event mode as Lufi. Arlong: ------- Successfully complete the game in event mode as Nami. Baki: ----- Successfully complete the game in event mode as Zolo. Krieg: ------ Successfully complete the game in event mode as Sanji. Kuro: ----- Successfully complete the game in event mode as Usop. Mihawk: ------- Successfully complete the game in event mode as all characters from Luffy to Tashigi. Then, win event mode again as Zolo and defeat Mihawk. Shanks: ------- Successfully complete the game in event mode as all characters from Luffy to Tashigi. Then, win event mode again as Luffy and defeat Shanks. Smoke: ------ Successfully complete the game in event mode as Lufi, Nami, Zolo, Sanji, and Usop. Then use Lufi to complete event mode again. Tashigi: -------- Successfully complete the game in event mode as Lufi, Nami, Zolo, Sanji, and Usop. Then complete event mode again with each of those characters except for Lufi.