Newgrounds Rumble Flash Game Hints: ----------------- Submitted by: RM Challenge 1: Its 3 versus 1, against a giant Piconjo. Do the math. Challenge 2: Wow, I guess I got lucky with my items. Use teleport to avoid getting flanked and make your priorty on getting the powerups. It may be a bit difficult. Challenge 3: Your degenerating in life. This is pretty easy tho, just spam some of the same attacks. Youll get it. Challenge 4: Everyone has range attack enabled. Might pose some difficult since your Nene and here range sucks. Once you get one of the enemies down tho its pretty much over. Challenge 5: Really easy. Should only take 10 seconds. Get the opponent under the metal compactor thingy and its over. Challenge 6: Keep using jump attack and you wont get juggled. Challenge 7: This ones a joke. Same strategy as last, not even. Just keep pressing buttons. Challenge 8: For me the copy froze after a while. Abuse items. Challenge 9: Once of the harder once. Avoid missile and Salad Fingers. Challenge 10: Salad fingers has the strongest attacks in the game, use them. Challenge 11: Its a free-for-all and its easy. Challenge 12: Yeah, not hard at all. Spam attacks. Cheat Codes: ------------ This only works if you are on versus. Find hank and when fount click on the middle of his goggles so you can play as a hanchmen. Note: Henchmen are very easy to kill so be carefull! Free Gold In Tutorial: ---------------------- To use this secret complete the tutorial. You will probably get 200 or 100 gold for completing it. It only works ONCE!