Need for Speed - Porsche Unleashed Cheat Codes: ---------- Submitted by: Mubashar Habib Just type the following codes as Profile name to get adjacent result. Code Result ------------------------------------------------ RKOCAR - Unlock all cars RKOPATH - Unlock all Tracks RKOALL - Unlock all cars & Tracks RKOCASH - Get 9999999$ in evolution mode Cheat: ------ Update by: schummi Update by: prasad4u@yifan.net Submitted by: Xwonic [E-mail: xwonic@yahoo.com] At the main menu click "Create Player" and type the cheat in as the name. Click "Done" and you should hear a confirmation sound. Then choose your regular profile and play the game. You can cheat by entering these words as the Player Name - Name Result ----------------- Gulliver - (To play with Toy cars) Smash Up - (For a Destruction Derby) Dakar - (Makes your cars drive like a Rally-Car) Fuzzyfuz - (Some cops will follow you) yraGyraG - (All your cars will drive like a 993 Turbo) fetherw8 - (Your car is heavier and you can crash into Opponents without getting damaged) fuzzyfuz - Unlock cops in quick race, not all tracks freewill - Double speed in single player mode Be sure that you enter in the Names correctly. Then click at cancel and you will hear a sound. Select a driver and... ENJOY Cheat: ------ Submitted by: Mubashar Habib Type (RKORICH) without () as Player name then it will give u selling price of any car = 9999999 when u sell your car in evolution mode. Cheat: ------ Submitted by: Mubashar Habib To get superspeed of your car in any mode type this "RKOSS" (without "") as profile name. One time u type this then u will speed of your car as like rocket & enjoy. Hint: ----- Submitted by: zain First of all create ur own player by selecting any picture when the game starts and write ur name.then If u want to add ur own picture in the game just copy any picture from any ware and paste it in the game directory. Hint: ----- Submitted by: zain Highly recommended by me(zain). When the game start's it will prompt u to select a picture and write ur name to make a player. u can also insert ur own picture in the game. when the game start select any picture and write ur name ans made a player then exit the game. Now copy any picture from any where and paste it where the game is installed (game directory). and rename this picture the name which u gave to the player which u made in the game then restart game now the picture of ur player is change and it would be the pic... that u paste in game dir... All cars and tracks: -------------------- Simply enter multi-player mode and select the "Peer To Peer" option, but race alone. You will be able to select any car on any track. All cars: --------- In name selection type in "allporsche" Remote control cars: -------------------- Make a new profile and name it Gulliver. If you type it right you will hear a special sound to confirm. This will make all the cars little remote controlled vehicles. To disable this cheat you must restart the game. Unlimited money: ---------------- Purchase a used car and choose an "Overall" repair. When completed, the value of your car will be higher than the purchase price and the cost of the repairs. Sell the car, purchase another used car and repeat as needed. Cheat Mode: ----------- Update by: Nitin Singh Verma To use these cheat codes, goto the main menu and click "Create Player" and type in the cheat for the name. Click "Done" (you'll hear a little confirmation sound). Then choose your regular profile and play the game! Gulliver -------- The Porsches are all shrunk down to the size of radio controlled racers and have little antennas. Smash Up --------- Using the Skidpad, Destruction Derby style racing nothing better than that! Dakar ----- Tired of Street Racing? Changes car physics and tracks to Rally style. Fuzzyfuz -------- Enables cops in quick race (cops may not appear on all tracks: i.e.-Monaco). yraGyraG -------- Enables all cars to have 993 physics. fetherw8 -------- This cheat code makes cars way heavier. Hints: ------ * Do not, repeat, do not, brake while in the midst of a turn, particularly when driving older automobiles. The EA version of an antique Porsche has a tendency, and probably rightly so, to seriously rock your world if you do, sending you into a drift from which you may not recover. Instead, brake early, turn smoothly, and accelerate on the exit. * There's no better way of ridding oneself of an annoying police officer than by nudging him into a passing motorist or solid roadside object. * Alternate routes are not always shortcuts. If you find yourself consistently slow on a given course, check out all the routes available to you before resorting to a different setup. * Go with the "front bumper" camera for the best results. Here, the program doesn't have to pump out cockpit and driver animations, so the frame rate is generally faster. Also, you get a better sense of the speed at which you are traveling, so you'll be better prepared to slow down for upcoming turns. * Torque rules. If you find yourself in a section where you can use a higher gear with lower RPM or a lower gear with high revs, go with the latter every time. Enjoy the flight in "NEED FOR SPEED 5 Porsche Unleashed": --------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Awais Ahmad E-mail: awaysahmad4u@yahoo.com When you play in evolution mode, finish the first era i-e Classic Era. Now in the "Golden Era" select second Event i-e "Mixed Class Challenge". In this event the first track is "Zone Industrial". Yes the cheat is available here, in this track. Start the race and now when you drive just about 600m or a little more may be there will be a short cut on your left side, go to that way, but carefuly drive there, that is a long and a little difficult way to drive. When you exits that short cut and enters the main road just a few meters away your car enters in a factory area, big terbines on your right and left and big pipe on your right and left just on the end of the factory there is a right turn and a water tank is on your right, now this location is the way to enter the space, just between the factory and the right turn of the road, there are two outyards on your right and left, when going away from the factory enter the right outyard and hit the front wall with the car.......oooops your car doesn't crashed, and you are flying, now enjoy the flight in need for speed 5. but when you go to the road and you sea that your car is below the road level so don't enter the road your car will hang in the air, but when you are ab! ove the road level go to enter the road and yes its just like that you are landing from a jump, and you will enjoy also the landing of your car. Save your dollors: ------------------ Submitted by: Awais Ahmad E-mail: awaysahmad4u@yahoo.com While in the race you are driving very fast and unluckely you hits any thing on the track or side walls or stones and you are axpecting the car to fly and fall on road upside down, and you know that that will damage the car a lot. now you can reduce your damage and lose of the dollors...how....just press the key " R " when your car hits some thing, it will reset your car on the road. Remember press "R" before your car fall down on the road. and yes just send some of the dollors for me which you saved by my advice. ok Hints: ------ Submitted by: sankardivya You can get out of the track in Schwarwald and in Monte Carlo Circuit 4 In Schwarzwald ----------------- In Schwarzwald at the oppsite side of the enterence of the shed like tunnel in forward track when you try to hit the wall of the shed on the right side of the tunnel you will get out of the track. In Monte Carlo Circuit 4 -------------------------- In Monte Carlo Circuit 4 at the ending 'u' turn when you try to hit the fence near the fountain on either side of the track you will get out of the track into the small portion which makes the track a 'u' turn. Hints: ------ Submitted by: Jakg In This game there is no simple way to complete the game, however if you use these simple hints it will be easier. Car Selection: -------------- ALWAYS use the car compare tool, if the scores are tied then look at the weight (A slightly lighter car is slightly faster) under the Showcase button. NEVER use the 550A Spyder as it is worse than the 911S Coupe, and can't be upgraded like the normal cars can. Car Setup: ---------- Here is my favourite setup that gives you great control: Ride Height=Minimum Stiffness=Maximum Travel=Minimum Toe In=Maximum Brake Balance=Slightly towards the front Downforce (Front and Rear)=100 Tire Pressure=45 Money Hints: ------------ Buy used cars, repair them and sell them for 9999999 Credits. The buyers then buy it off you for their highest price and you will make a profit (around 2000 Credits or 750,000 Credits if you buy a 935 Moby Dick and sell it in the year 2000) as the money they pay always covers the cost of the car and the repair. If you plan on racing a car you bought second-hand then upgrade it BEFORE you repair it, otherwise you repair a part that you subsequently replace. Downloadable Stuff: ------------------- There are literally thousands of cars and tools available for download, my current favourite is a tool that lets you go backwards and Forwards in time, make every Porsche in the game available to be bought in the new cars menu (up to your current year), increase the amount of cars for sale in the used cars menu and increase the money in your account by 50,000 Credits every time you press one of the buttons. If there is a fault or you have something to add to this walkthrough email me at: CHEATBOOK@JAKG.COM With "Need For Speed Porsche 2000/Unleashed WALKTHROUGH" in the subject line. Getting a problem of low speed car?: ------------------------------------ Submitted by: bi_ku4 Then at the evolution mode go to the garage and select a car. then fo to parts and buy new parts which are expensive but can add speed. (Eg.For standard Flywheel you can buy Superlight flywheel which adds about 15 hp of power). in this way you can get more power and speed. after buying all of that things come back and go to car setup and replace the parts as in the example above and replace other many more parts in the same way which will add a lot of speed. More Money in Evolution Mode: ----------------------------- Submitted by: leila flaherty TCP Buy a new expensive car (like a 'Moby-Dick', GT1 or other race-class car) and sell it for more than you bought it. If you overprice the car too much, you will never get offered the exact amount. If it is reasonably overpriced, you get the exact amount immediately. The more expensive the car, the more you can overprice it. You can only make about one thousand points from a cheap car, but with a car like the 'Moby-Dick' you can make about 13 000! Winning Formula: ---------------- Submitted by: leila flaherty TCP Don't believe everything you read in the Cheats section of this Database. Check out the brilliant PC-Walkthrough of NFS Porsche 2000, which gives detailed tips on handling, tracks and car parts. Some versions of Porsche Unleashed are the same as Porsche 2000. Slow and Steady wins the race - usually, rushing past your opponents gives you a few wonderful moments in 1st place, but you soon get beaten. Slow down when you think you might crash, even if someone is catching up to you. CAUTION is the keyword! Not every detour is a shortcut. Often, the most direct-looking route has many tight corners, so plot your route before you race. Although automatic is easier, manual can push higher revs and more speed out of the car. Also, if you find you did not brake hard enough for a corner, you can shift up to a lower gear to help slow the car while staying in control (not full control, but better than using brakes or the handbrake). No Cops: -------- Submitted by: Moiz The folder where u have installed the game there will be another folder naming data or some thing like that i dont remember exactly any ways find the folder naming Cops delete it and there will be no more annoying cops. Just find the folder "cops" in the game folder and delete it. More money: ----------- To earn a profit of about $5,500 or more (depending on how far you are in Underground mode), follow these steps. Go to Underground mode and enter the "Customize Ride" menu. Then, select the "Trade" option and trade your car for a Mazda RX-7. If you already have it as your car, skip this step. Downgrade all of your performance upgrades to stock. Then, go back to the "Trade" option and trade your car for a Volkswagen Golf GTI. Then, put all of your performance upgrades back onto the Golf GTI and trade your car for the Mazda RX-7. If done correctly, you should gain a profit of at least $5,500. Repeat those steps as many times as desired. In a short time you should have at least $30,000. Buying cars: ------------ When you want to buy a car but you do not have enough money, do not wait until you win enough for the purchase. You will not be able to get enough money to buy the good cars until the next era. For example, the Moby Dick car is $450,000 on the market in the 70s, but will be sold broken for over $2,000,000 on the used menu. The 365s in the 50's sell for between $11,000 to $13,000, but will be priced broken for over $100,000. When you are short of cash, buy the used cars, fix them up, then sell them for more. Collect money until you have enough to buy a new car. Shortcut in Schwarzwald: ------------------------ You can take a shortcut just before you enter sawmill area. Money: ------ When the game loads, go to evolution, garage. At the bottom left corner there is a box. Press add and you will get more money. This may increase damage effects though. Make opponents crash easily: ---------------------------- This trick involves a straightaway and two equal cars. Drive side-by-side with another car and force him into the wall. He will be turning into you now. Accelerate faster so that your car will be grinding the front end of his car. Then, let your car hit the wall and get control again. If done correctly, if you look behind you your opponent will steer too far and crash into the other wall. You can also grind into his car, but this time put on the brakes so you can do a PIT maneuver to spin him out. Note: Choose the Monte Carlo Circuit 1, 4 or 5 for this trick. Also, this trick works best with Classic Era cars as they do not have as much grip as Golden or Modern cars. However, some Golden Era cars do work. Easy Money: ----------- * Buy the used cars and fix them up. Put them back on the market and you will get more money than you would if you sold a new car. If you want even more money for the old cars, keep them until the next era and they will be worth $60,000. * Purchase a used car and choose an "Overall" repair. When completed, the value of your car will be higher than the purchase price and the cost of the repairs. Sell the car, purchase another used car and repeat as needed. Get money quickly: ------------------ Submitted by: Muhammad Ali In the evoluation round,if you want to get money faster, while selling a car write a higher price for it than the price in market you will get a little more money than the market price. 200mph (320 kmh): ----------------- Submitted by: Yehia Get a 911 GT1 and go to car setup. Make all gear ratios in the negative number and the least you can do. Leave the reverse and final gears out. Your car could have slow accelration. The top speed could be 225 mph (360 kmh). Secret Cars: ------------ Submitted by: TheLightBTTF (First, I'm The DARK BTTF.) Once You Get NFSPU, Go To NFS Cars And Download The Porsche 911 GT2. You Will See How To Put It In. Type Fuzzyfuz As Your Name, And Hit Cancel, Then Make One Called S12R Or i35m6. Go Select Singleplayer, Quick Race. Go To The Bottom Of The Car List. You will See Porsche 911 GT2. Click It. You Will See A RUF CTR = 2. It In Cote D Azur. Race A Little Bit, Then You Will See A Cop. Follow It. When It Go's Back Wards, WATCH CLOSELY! It Dissapears. Secret Cars And Cheats, I LIKE IT! Easy Money: ----------- Submitted by: Kickboxer You first go to evolution mode, then you buy a used car(It is best to buy them early). Fix the whole car then sell it with the price given. You can find the price on the bottom right corner where you see the car price now and how much you payed for it. Completely sell the car and you will get more money. WARNING: Use them wisely or you will end up with no money. For example: I have 20,000 and the car costs 18,000 and I have to fix it with 4,000. I could not fix it because of the price from the car. Regain Money: ------------- Submitted by: Kickboxer When you start in Evolution, you will have a 356, the price of the car will be 10,878 or something like that. Later when you get to the late Golden era and Early Modern era, Your 356 will cost over 100,000. During these times, the cars will make much damage quickly and you will have to pay above 20,000. Even when you start the tournament, you might pay 30,000. Sell your 356 because there will be nothing to do with it. You will regain 100,000 and try again.