Navy Strike Hints: ------ * When there are lots of simultaneous engagements, stay in the command position. If you're out gallivanting with your pilots, you may return to some nasty bleeps on the radar screen or, even worse, a message telling you why you have been fired. * Don't send missions over well-protected enemy positions. Instead, set the mission waypoints to skirt around them. Ground vehicles can be used as mission waypoints so your planes can home straight in on them as they attempt to scurry away. * Keep your planes at as high an altitude as possible to avoid anti-aircraft fire. * If you want to bomb a ground target yourself, send a reconnaissance aircraft to film it first and then view the target using the camera icon on the command screen. You don't want to accidentally blow up innocent civilian buildings, do you? * Even though your task force can defend itself against air attack, your job is to keep the enemy away at all times. If you can't, you won't last long as a commander. * Prepare your mission flight paths and gather all your information and reconnaissance as soon as possible, because when things get going you'll need your attention on the enemies' units and not on your own. * Keep one eye on your combat air patrol planes, because if they're chasing enemy aircraft, they can fly off over enemy territory and be shot down by SAMs.