Murphy's Law 5 - A Day at the Office Submitted by: RM Hints: ------ Messed up his coffee, killed the plant, glued the mail opener and phone, shredded papers and his tie, deleted files, stained white board, and set fire to his model. Delete Files: ------------- To delete the files, drag the bread to the keyboard first, before you give it to the bird. Hints: ------ -You can put the toner under the printer into the coffee can on the shelf. -You can put the green chemical under the sink in the spritzer next to the plant and in the cup of water on the dest near the computer. -You can put the glue on the letter-opener and the cell-phone. -You can put the lightbulb from the lamp into the trashcan, then click the mouse. -You can click the collection tray of the printer to put it in the trash. -When Murphy's Victim leans over the papers in the paper shredder, you can hit the button to turn it on and almost shred his face. -You can open the window. You can put the bread on the keyboard, then use it on the board. Then I just click both of them furiously until the bird flies over to the keyboard, even though I don't think that technically does anything. -You can use the wedge (bottom edge of the screen, below glue) on the locker. -You can use the permanent marker on the dry-erase marker under the whiteboard. -You can unplug the wires in the exhibit (when he lifts the sheet) and use the spirits from the locker (sitting on rolling chair) on the model as well.