Mega Man Legends 2 Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: conner54 Hard and easy modes: -------------------- After completing the game in normal mode, both hard and easy modes will be unlocked. In easy mode, you do not need to bother updating your digging license; your first license will allow you to go into all ruins. Additionally, the lady at the Digger's Guild will not let you take the test. Also, Zenny found when destroying Reaverbots are worth more, while shop prices are less and Bosses are easier. Getting concealed Zenny: ------------------------ Zenny may get stuck in the wall or on a mountain from time to time. To get the Zenny (Refractor Crystals) off the wall or side surface, simply stand next to it and jump. The Zenny will fall off the wall and you will land on top of it. Invincible to electricity: -------------------------- If you wear the Hover Shoes, you will be invulnerable to electricity. Defeating Bosses: ----------------- For any Boss, a good strategy is to equip a special weapon that you can run with while shooting, such as the Machine Buster. If possible, take a Hyper Cartridge. Run around them using the sideways run, turning to adjust your path every once in a while. Along with jumping, you should be able to avoid most of the attacks. Shoot the special weapon to wear them down, and use your Buster to finish them off. Note: If you have the Laser, it is much more useful than any other weapon. Note: If you are fighting Sera, wait until it is in the second form to use the special weapon. Defeating Jellyfish: -------------------- In the ruin in which you acquire the second key, take Drill Arm with you. If you are having trouble with the Jellyfish, get close to them. A full Drill Attack should kill one. Do this on all three of them. If done correctly without any setbacks, you should defeat them. You can also use the Drill Arm on. You should be able to defeat him easily if you use the Drill Arm correctly. Defeating Reaverbots: --------------------- Successfully complete the game under the very hard difficulty setting. Start a new game and look at your Buster parts. You now will have the Accessory Pack Omega, which maxes out all of your abilities. Defeating Shielders: -------------------- If you shoot a Shielder with any high impact weapon, its shield will be blown away allowing it to be hit more easily. Black Megaman: -------------- Find a pig near the home of Shu and her brothers on Carbania Island. Keep on kicking the pig and Megaman will get darker, then the pig with a couple of kicks/throws later. Note: If you do this you will not be able to take the Mayor's Quiz on Manda Island. Easy money: ----------- Simply find an empty can and kick it into the nearest trash can. Easy money: ----------- Get the Flame Barrier and an S Class Licensee then go to the Planet Elysium. Go into the defense area and proceed until you find a Reverbot that is flying above you. Do not kill it -- it will make three flaming Reverbots. Kill them and the flying Reverbot will make more. Repeat to get as much Zenny as needed. Easy money: ----------- When you kill a Reaverbot or anything else, go directly in the middle of the explosion while it is blowing up. You will not get hurt, and you will automatically get all the Zenny without it spreading all over. Easy money: ----------- Go to the ruins where the fourth key was held. Have the Vacuum Arm on and get to the fifth floor. Take out the missile bot in the center, then just run around destroy all the bots that appear. Use the Vacuum Buster to get the money so you do not get damaged. You can get over 100,000 Zenny in 10 to 30 minutes. Easy money: ----------- This will help get more energy packs and upgrades faster.Go to the Manda Island ruins after you get the class S license at the gallery or digout. Then, equip the Vacuum Arm and go back to the ruins, as long as you have already destroyed the first breakable wall with the Drill Arm. There will be a large bird statue (only if there is a chest at the beginning of the ruins). Kill it to get 6,500 Zenny with no guild license, 8,000 Zenny with the first level license, or 10,000 Zenny if you have a class S license. After you destroy the statue and get the Zenny, go through the door, then turn around and go back out through the door. The bird statue will appear again. Defeat it from the door, and once it starts exploding get very close to the door. Immediately after you get the Zenny with the Vacuum Arm, go back trough the door. Repeat this to get as much money as needed. Avoid burning or freezing to death: ----------------------------------- You can never burn or freeze to death if you are in the red with shield and on fire. Wait for the fire (or ice) to go out, then use your Canteen. Note: If you go out of fire and get hit by the "tongue" of fire or ice via a Shielder (or anything else that may set you ablaze, such as lava or ice pits) again, you will be terminated. Refractor values: ----------------- Refractors are found after destroying Reaverbots that are not on the test or "Refractor Bosses". Small silver Refractors : 5 Zenny Green Refractors : 25 Zenny Yellow Refractors : 50 Zenny Pink Refractors : 150 Zenny Light purple Refractors : 250 Zenny Purple Refractors : 500 Zenny Special Refractor values: ------------------------- These are found after defeating a previous Boss or Bosses in certain ruins in the room after the defeated Boss. Refractor B: 30,000 Zenny Refractor A: 50,000 Zenny Refractor S: 100,000 Zenny Get hit by Roll: ---------------- At the beginning of the game when you are with Roll, try to grab her with the lifter arm. She will slap you and cause damage. Megaman Legends music: ---------------------- Go to the Manda Island ruins (not caverns) to hear music from the original Megaman Legends Ruins. For music from the Sub-Cities go to the Digout in Nino Island and enter the elevator Getting the Jet Skates: ----------------------- Use the following trick to get the Jet Skates quickly. In the first ruin where you have to save Joe, get the old hover jets. When you first go down, take the path on the right, then go straight into the room. The jets should be in that room. After you save Joe and go to the surface, go to the Junk Shop and buy the Roller Board. Take this to Roll and she will make you the Jet Skates. Defeating Jellyfish: -------------------- In the ruin in which you acquire the second key, take Drill Arm with you. If you are having trouble with the Jellyfish, get close to them. A full Drill Attack should kill one. Do this on all three of them. If done correctly without any setbacks, you should defeat them. You can also use the Drill Arm on . You should be able to defeat him easily if you use the Drill Arm correctly Picnic Lunch: ------------- Talk to Roll on the Flutter and pay the 4,000 Zenny to fix the kitchen and other areas Data burned in the fire at the beginning as soon as possible. Not only can you get the Broken Motor after it is fixed, but you also can talk to Roll and she will say "There's something I want..." She will ask for a new refrigerator. Buy it for her, then exit the Flutter and re-enter. Go to the second floor and to the kitchen area. Check the refrigerator and you will get a Picnic Lunch, which refreshes all of your life gauge. After you use it, you can return and get another. This way you can always have a secondary Canteen available. Use the Picnic Lunch first, so you do not have to use the expensive Canteen. Remember to use it only after down to nothing. Energy level: ------------- Do not panic when you have about three hits left on your life bar. No matter how low you are, until your energy bar is flashing red, you are good to go. As long as you have even less than half an energy "click" left in your life gauge you still have two hits, and not one. This should prove helpful during long levels and Bosses Money: ------ Use the following trick to get fast money on the defense part of Elysium after you get the Elevator Refractor. Note: You should bring Vacuum Arm, 6 or maximum points on attack, a Flame Barrier, and 5 or 6 points on Rapid. Start at the central area (or go to the elevator at the beginning to get there). Go backward until you make it back to elevator B2. Go down to B2 then go straight all the way, right all the way, and right all the way. There should be two doors here. Take the one that goes right. You should be in a square room with four Reaverbots that make small flaming ones. Run around using the shark method and do not lock on. Shoot the flaming Reaverbots and use the Vacuum Arm. You can make thousands of Zenny in just a minute. In ten to fifteen minutes you should have 1 million Zenny. The only way you can get out is to kill all the Reaverbots in the room. Money: ------ Go to the Manda Island ruins after you get the class S license at the gallery or digout. Then, equip the Vacuum Arm and go back to the ruins, as long as you have already destroyed the first breakable wall with the Drill Arm. There will be a large bird statue (only if there is a chest at the beginning of the ruins). Kill it to get 6,500 Zenny with no guild license, 8,000 Zenny with the first level license, or 10,000 Zenny if you have a class S license. After you destroy the statue and get the Zenny, go through the door, then turn around and go back out through the door. The bird statue will appear again. Defeat it from the door, and once it starts exploding get very close to the door. Immediately after you get the Zenny with the Vacuum Arm, go back trough the door. Repeat this to get as much money as needed. Money II: --------- Go to Calbania and go out the door of Shu's place to see two red Reaverbots. Destroy them both to get 5000 Zenny. Go out and come back in and they will be there again. The Reaverbot Eye that you buy from the man in Saul Kada can be sold to the owner of the junk shop in Yosyonke. Go through the back door. He will offer you 100,000 Zenny, but hold out for 300,000 Zenny. Do not ask for 500,000 Zenny or he will turn you down and when you ask him again, he will only offer you 10,000 Zenny. After opening the ruins on Nino Island, go to floor B2. There will be some plate- shaped Reaverbots. Destroy and collect Zenny. Escape and repeat. Note: The Drill Arm would be useful. Drill Arm in combat: -------------------- Use your Drill Arm on Bosses, such as the three jellyfish or Bola and Claymore. A fully powered up drill can destroy them in seconds, and works against any enemy that you can reach at point blank range. It also destroys tough normal enemies with one hit, and uses little to no power. It is also incredibly cheap to upgrade. Flying Mega Man: ---------------- When in Pokte Village, if you do not allow the buildings to be destroyed or you paid to have them be rebuilt, enter the shop and purchase a model of the Sulpher Bottom. Give this to Roll and she will put it in her room. Go in there and jump on the model from underneath. Mega Man will hold on and start flying around the room. Black Megaman: -------------- Megaman can turn black by killing the two running yellow animals in Yoshyokne Town, at the location with the broken train station and the house (at the beginning of the game) outside the city. Megaman cannot aim at themm but his shots can hit them. They can be killed with a couple dozen of shots. Easy money: ----------- * Go to Calbania and go out the door of Shu's place to see two red Reaverbots. Destroy them both to get 5000 Zenny. Go out and come back in and they will be there again. * The Reaverbot Eye that you buy from the man in Saul Kada can be sold to the owner of the junk shop in Yosyonke. Go through the back door. He will offer you 100,000 Zenny, but hold out for 300,000 Zenny. Do not ask for 500,000 Zenny or he will turn you down and when you ask him again, he will only offer you 10,000 Zenny. * After opening the ruins on Nino Island, go to floor B2. There will be some plate- shaped Reaverbots. Destroy and collect Zenny. Escape and repeat. Note: The Drill Arm would be useful. * There are two trash cans in Yosyonke, each with an empty soda can nearby. The trash can next to the general store gives you 200 Zenny when you kick the soda can into it. The trash can behind the doctors office gives you 1,000 Zenny when you kick the soda can into it. 10% off weapon upgrades: ------------------------ * Buy all gifts for from gift shops. Give them to her. * She will say that she bought a new tool set. Cheaper weapon upgrade: ----------------------- Purchase the Cushion, Stuffed Doll, and Model Ship from the General Store, then give them to Roll to get a 10% discount on any weapon upgrade you make from then on. Weapon Upgrade Discount: ------------------------ First, you must buy the Stuffed Doll, Cushion, and Model Ship from the General Store. These items are not known to have any particular purpose, or at least so described by the game, so buying them normally seems pointless. However, you can give them to Roll and you will get a 10% discount on any weapon upgrade you make from here on out.