Medieval - Total War - Viking Invasion
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: conner54
Enter one of the following codes at the campaign map.
Effect Code
All your provinces get gold - .mefoundsomeau.
All your provinces get silver - .mefoundsomeag.
All your provinces get copper - .mefoundsomecu.
All your provinces get iron - .viagra.
Full map - .matteosartori.
1,000,000 Florins - .deadringer.
Fast construction - .worksundays.
All units and buildings unlocked - .badgerbunny.
Play as the rebels; cannot be undone - .conan.
Wife produces a male heir the next turn - .unfreeze.
Debug mode:
Start the game with the "medieval_tw.exe" -ian
command. Then, press one of the following keys during game play.
Effect Key
CPU control of game A
God mode; see all regions and units G
Tour mode S
Tour mode [F5]
Display panels [Ctrl] + I
Max out Joan of Arc:
Get Joan of Arc, play as the French, win a lot of territories, and
frequently check you generals chart (the sword on the territories map).
She will be ranked 7 and her Command, Piety, and Loyalty will be maxed