Mall of America Tycoon Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K Everything Effect Code -------------------------------------- God Mode - (godgivemethelife) Lots of money - (chingching) All Buildings - (september11died) More People - (comehereandhail) Camp Snoopy - (slidingwithsnoopy) Profit High - (makemygoddammprofithigh) Kill all people - (dieyoustupidcustomers) After the end of the whole Mall of America Tycoon there is a special clip that shows you how you could win in three easy steps. I'll explain them here because I have watched the preview at the end 100 times. Step 1: don't build anything Step 2: destroy everything and brake all the contracts Step 3: Block all your doors when lots of people come inside so there is no way for anyone to leave. Those are the 3 steps that will make you win the game in only 10 minutes. I have played using these cheats and they always work. A couple of my friends said the cheats work as well. The last cheat I will tell you is simple basic cheats... Win the game instantly: (letmewinbecauseisuck) lose the game : (iwannalosebecauseicantplay)