Magic - The Gathering - Battlegrounds Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: conner54 Mishra: ------- Successfully complete Quest mode using a preset duelist and deck. Unlocking characters: --------------------- In arcade duel, when you win with a pre-set duelist on the first level you will unlock a new corresponding color character under him or her. For example, play as Keroc (first black duelist) and win all six fights with him. You will then unlock Mintora or someone to that effect. Win six fights with her and you will be able to play as Ishan's Shade. By playing as pre-set character on arcade mode, you will unlock a new character. Secret Level secret arena: -------------------------- On the arena selection screen: press Comma + Period, Left, Up, X, Up, Right, Y, Comma + Period in that order to use the "Secret Level" Arena. Unlock all duelists without playing campaign mode: -------------------------------------------------- On the character select screen: press Comma + Period, Down, Up, X, M, Up, X, N, Up, X, Comma + Period. This will unlock the following characters: Akroma Arcanis Entorin Evalisa Ihsan's Shade Maraxus Midia Multani Volita Zadel Unlock all campaign missions, spells, and Mishra: ------------------------------------------------- On the quest select screen pressing Comma + Period, Down, Up, C, M, Up, Right, Left, Down, Comma + Period will unlock all campaign missions, spells, and Mishra.