Magic Encyclopedia - First Story Hints: ------ Submitted by: Muhammad kashif Email : genious_k@hotmail.com Levels: ------- Maya Pyramid - Search 5 - Crystals 1: ------------------------------------- -use the hammer on the jug. -use the branch on the sneezing statue. -put the stone with mirror on top of the stone slab. -use the knife to cut down the loose branch. -put the key in the center (square) of the stone slab. -click on the key to open a puzzle, all you need to do here is match the symbols in the sky (may vary from game to game) to the ones in the key in order. -take the scroll. Indo China - Search 5 - Crystals 2: ----------------------------------- -click on the A ncient Indian Puzzle and move the 3 blocks from one side to the other, larger -on bottom, smaller on top. -put the bunch of bananas, golden coins, and flower necklace on the sacrificial place. -go to Maya Walls and return here later. -put the magic symbol in the wall. -place the top on the right column. -take the rest of the tooth. -go back to the Maya Walls. Maya Walls - Search 5 - Crystals 2 ----------------------------------- -use the spear on the loose part of the wall. -use the drumstick on the drums. -put the top of the shield back on the shield. -click it and get a circular Jigsaw Puzzle. -keep turning the various layers until you connect them to make a picture. -place the statue back in place with the other two. -go to Indo China and then return here later. -put the tooth in the mouth. -take the family picture. English Castle - Search 10 - Crystals 4: ---------------------------------------- -combine the shovel head with the stick in the dirt. -attach the faucet to the small grate near the hose. -click on it to get a Pipe Puzzle . -keep rotating the pieces to connect all the pipes and you will use all the pipes. -everything is blooming now! -use the shears on the rose bush on the right. -give the rose to the gardener ghost. -now use the key on the locked door and enter. Secret Room: ------------ -click on the blue cloth on the table to get a Co nstillation Puzzle. -all you need to do is drag the stars around to match the picture. -as you go along the actual outline will appear making it easier. -put the magic key in the podium. -put the magic element in the staff. -place the astrological transponder on the crystal ball. -go back to the garden and use the cup in the well. -give the cup of water and the seeds to the owl. -use the hammer on the mirror. -take the jewelry box. Egypt - Search 10 - Crystals 5: ------------------------------- -put golden solar symbol next to the other two. -use iron rod on the door. -enter the Tomb and return here later. -place the toe where there is one missing. -pull the toe (finger). -put the gold disc in it's spot below the solar symbols and get an Egyptian Puzzle. -move the jewels around so the beams don't cross. -this is probably my least favorite puzzle in casual games ever, but I found this one to be easier than most. -my strategy was to place a jewel at each point and the pull the reaming beams inward. -when they are not crossing they turn green. -return to the Tomb. Tomb Entrance: -------------- -use the golden key on the locked chest. -place the anubis head onto his body. -place the magic eye in the magic eye symbol and open a Shape Puzzle. -all you need to do with this puzzle is place the symbols into the silhouettes that scroll by. -you'll need to do this several times for each layer until they completely disappear. -you have to do it less times if you start at the top and go down. -now you can place the missing arm onto the statue. -use the knife on the hanging sign. -go back to Egypt and return here later. -put the staff in the statues hand. -take the letter and arrowhead. Africa - Search 15 - Crystals 7: -------------------------------- -find all the items you can and the proceed to the waterfall and return here later (you can get to the waterfall by clicking the totem pole). -place the dry wood, dry grass and eyeglasses on the rocks to start a fire. -use the chalk to draw a mouth on the mask and get an African Puzzle. -the object is to drop the items at the top to the bottom by matching color groups of three or more. -place the spear next to the angry mask. -go into the Shaman's hut and return here later. Waterfall: ---------- -find all the items you can hear and then go back to African and return here later. -place the boards on the bridge (this will put them on the bank beside the bridge). -use mall hammer on bridge. -click on gate to get an Animal Puzzle. -this is a matching game like you would have played as a child, match pairs of animals. -take the scroll. Shaman's Hut: ------------- -place bushy tail on the fox. -place pestle in small jar. -place mineral salt in jar with pestle. -place hyena's tooth in jar with pestle. -use billows on fire. -place thistle, coconut, salt, and hyena's tooth in cauldron. -use the spoon to stir the ingredients and get a Quilt Puzzle. -you must swap tiles with adjacent pieces only. -my strategy was to focus on the lines on the side and then the middle. -if you are still stuck, I have included a screenshot of what the final picture is. -exit to Africa and then go to waterfall. Indian Settlement - Search 10 - Crystals 4: ------------------------------------------- -give the bone to the dog. -enter the wigwam and return here later. -use the bow on the target dummy and get a Bow Puzzle. -by holding down your right mouse button the red meter goes up which indicates how far you'll throw the arrow. -place the end of the cursor just above the dummy's right arm about 1/4 of an inch and hold the button so the meter goes just short of all the way up. -put the lid on the boiling milk. -use the axe to cut down the tree. -hang the pelt on the pelt frame. -use the paintbrush and paints on the pelt and get Paint Puzzle. -copy the image you saw in the Wigwam. -click on each space to cycle through the colors. -the colors will be different for each person. -place eye on statue. -take letter. Wigwam: ------- -place the cap (looks like a drum) on the peace pipe. -put the feather on the eagle shield and get a Crystal Puzzle. -this is another string puzzle but once again, pull several to the outside and the rest to the inside and you solve it in less than a minute. -go back to the Indian Settlement. Greece - Search 10 - Crystals 6: -------------------------------- -use the golden comb on the girl on the right. -place the head of the statue in its rightful place and get another Shape Puzzle. -use the strong rope to enter the Dungeon. -use the sledgehammer on the cracked vase. -go back to the Dungeon. Dungeon: -------- -click on the blue cloth to get another Constillation Puzzle. -place the stone snake on the wall, then the golden chariot, then the golden leaves. -use the sword on the chipped column. -place the pineapple behind the other fruit. -go back to Greece and then return here. -place golden eagle on top of the statues staff. -take the scroll. Oasis - Search 10 - Crystals 6: ------------------------------- -use the crowbar on the cracked board. -use the stone on the cracked jar. -go to the Graveyard and return here later. -put the lion's head in its place near the water and click on it to get another Gem Puzzle. -once again you have to match combinations of three colors or more until the pieces at the top drop through the bottom. -once the water drains out, pick up the tip of the knife comes out of the spout. -use the knife to cut the ropes on the basket. -use the rope to lower yourself into the Dungeon. Graveyard - Search 5 - Crystals 2: ---------------------------------- click on the middle of the tombstone to get another Beam Puzzle, this time it uses skulls. place the gravestone in its spot near the hole. go back to Oasis and then return here later. place the bell on the church. give the sword to the ghost. place the golden cross on the coffin. put the court sword in the tree. give the shield to the ghost. take the scroll. Dungeon: -------- -click on the round disc in the back and get another Circle Puzzle. -the pattern points up. -put the strange ancient sign in its place on the wall. -place the decorative horn onto the golden stag. -place the golden palm on the hand symbol. -use the matches to light the candle. -go back to the Graveyard. Scythian Burial Ground - Search 10 - Crystals 6: ------------------------------------------------ -place the stone fragment in the missing spot on the statue and get another Matching Puzzle. -go to Samarkand and return here later. -use the bomb on the stone door. -use the matches on the bomb. -use the pick on the cracked door. -enter the Burial Mound. -use the mace on the cracked jar. -go back to the Burial Mound. Samarkand - Search 5 - Crystals 2: ---------------------------------- -place the mosaic in its place on the door. -go back to the Burial Ground and return here later. -use pipe on the snake. -use the knife on the awning. -go back to the Burial Ground and return here later. -place the tile in its spot on the ground. -take the scroll. Burial Mound: ------------- -use the broom on the spider. -place the golden panther into its spot on the wall. -give the bow to the dead. -place the golden ram head into its spot where the spider was and get another Gem Puzzle. -go back to Samarkand and return here later. -place the rug over the dead. -put the horse next to the other. -go back to Samarkand. Wild West - Search 10 - Crystals 4: ----------------------------------- -click on the wanted poster and get a Puzzle. -this puzzle is exactly like the constellations only you are using bullet holes. -place horn on the steer skull. -use the gun to shoot the clock. -use the nail extractor to open the barrel. -give the glass to the ghost. -enter the Saloon and return here later. -give the bottle to the ghost. -take the last part of the arrow. Maya - Stairway - Search 5 - Crystals 3: ---------------------------------------- -behind the skull is another Matching Puzzle. -place the stone ear, stone eye, stone arm, and sacrificial plate in their places. -click on the stone arm. -place the horn in its place and then click on it. -go back to the Saloon. Saloon: ------- -place the horseshoe above the door. -put the glass in the lamp. -put antler next to the other on the plaque. -go to Maya - Stairway and return here later. -put the candle in its holder near the antlers. -click on the clock to get a Math Puzzle. -you have to rotate the rings so that each ring adds up to the one above/below it, please see example if you are still confused. -use the corkscrew to open the barrel. -use the bottle to get some tequila. -go back to the Wild West. Russia - Search 10 - Crystals 5: -------------------------------- -click on the pillow on the roof to get another Quilt Puzzle. -go to China and return here later. -place the wooden rooster on the roof. -use the axe to split the wood. -use the oil can on the rusted lock. -use the key on the lock. -enter the Hut. -use the sickle on the torn fabric in the cart. -go to China. China - Search 5 - Crystals 2: ------------------------------ -find the hidden items and then go back to Russia and return her later. -place the flag in its place. -place the sail in its place. -put golden dragon in its place. -once the ship sails collect the two remaining hidden pieces (they are on the dock, left side, around the rope). -click the bottom of the flag to get another Matching Puzzle. -take the scroll. Hut: ---- -use the mitten on the hot lid. -use the potholder on the pot inside the stove. -use the jar on the tub full of water -use jar with water on fire in oven. -place the matreshka (stacking doll) next to the others on the shelf and get another Stacking Puzzle. -go back to Russia. Dragon Mountain - Search 5 - Crystals 0: ---------------------------------------- -click the square above the beams in the dragons mouth to get a Puzzle. -this is very similar to the constellation and bullet hole puzzles. -use the golden feather on the scroll beneath the ME sign and get a Latin Puzzle. -you need to figure out the famous Latin phrase, now where have you seen that before? -go back to the map. -answer (highlight line to see it): MULTI MULTA; NEMO OMNIA NOVIT -place the horn on the horse head. -give the dead soldier his sword. -now place the dragon limbs in the right places. -enter the Cave.