Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love For Sail Easter Eggs ----------- These tips will add a little spice to the game. After you turn Victoria Principles into a sex craved maniac. And I mean right after. Click on the bathing man on the left on the computer screen and at the same time hold down CTRL on your keyboard. Then ask Victiria about the weather. Then you will get a little treat. Go to the Boning Cabin, and click on the buldge of the third statue on the left (counting from the top). Go to other, then type "unzip". Kill the old man, and when you return the next day, ring the doorbell, and you get to see Annette Boning doing a little celebration. In the Captain's Ballroom, where you meet Jamie Lee, go to the right side of the room, click on yourself, and go to other. Type in "dream". You're in for a treat! When you visit Drew, click on the leaf branch, and at other, type in "push". You will get to see them. Go into the library, click on the beaver, and under other, type in "milk". Then sneak into the Juggs dressing room, and get a little surprise. Put orgasmic powder on Drew's drink when you're talking to her. Then click OTHER on her drink. When you mention her suitcase and she gets up, Larry will not block your view. After the Juggs have left the stage, go to the back section of the stage, and click on the console and go to other. Type in "feel". Then go to Drew and talk about Fokker. Suddenly she won't seem to mind your wondering eyes. After viewing the seven easter eggs above, finding all the dildoes and getting all the points, you'll get see a brief shot of Captain Thye nude before the aliens come down. Liar's Dice ----------- While playing Strip Liar's Dice with Dewmi, press Control-C to take a peak at Dewmi's dice. Winning the craps contest: -------------------------- If you cannot get close enough to the craps table, eat the bean dip in the restaurant. Return to the casino and stand near the dapper men playing craps. Click on Larry, select "Fart" and watch the room clear. You can now reach the table, but you will never win with those dice that the croupier gives you. Use your shaved dice on the craps table to win. If you do not have shaved dice, go back to your cabin and pick up the industrial-grade toilet paper. Then, take the dice from the foot of Venus in the sculpture garden. In your inventory, use the toilet paper on the dice. Now they cannot lose. Psychedelic mode: ----------------- Press [Ctrl] + P two times during game play. Alternately, press [Ctrl] + P after winning Strip Lair's Poker. Reveal Drew: ------------ -Go to the swimming pools, and go to Drew. -Click on the leaf blocking her chest, select "Other" and type push. -Use the Orgasmic Powder on Drew's drink. Then, -click on the drink, select "Other" and type drink. -When she gets up to go to your room, Larry will not block your view. -After the Juggs' concert, return to the lounge. -Click on the mixer, select "Other" and type feel. -You will get a set of earplugs. -The next time you talk to Drew about "Fokker or My Place?" you will not hear her ask you to look her in the eyes. Reveal Victorian/Vicki: ----------------------- When you have changed Victorian to Vicki, hold [Ctrl] and click the left man on her computer screen. When you talk to her about the weather you will see significantly more skin than usual. Getting Drew out of the shower: ------------------------------- Take the fire hose from the promenade deck. Return to your cabin. Remove the spray can from the toilet pipe. Attach the fire hose to the red water pipe and the toilet, then flush the toilet. She will be out of there in no time. Running the game on Windows XP: ------------------------------- Follow these instructions to install the game successfully under Windows XP: Go to "Display Properties", click on the "Appearance" tab and select "windows Classic Style" from the list captioned "Windows and Buttons". Now run Setup.exe directly from your Larry 7 CD-ROM. After installing the game you may restore your favorite Appearance settings. Also, if you want to run the game in full screen you must change the screen resolution to 640x480. If there is no such option under "Display Properties", enter the folder where Larry 7 is installed (probably C:SierraLSL7) and select "Properties" by right-clicking on SIERW5.EXE. Then go to "Compatibility" options and select "Run in 640x480 screen resolution". Now run SIERW5.EXE. Everything should be fine now.