Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Pause the game, select the "Extras" option, and choose the "Enter Code" selection. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function: -=Extras=- Result Code ---------------------------------------- Festive Hats - PHHGPH Fight Captions - EWTPKA Minikit Detector - JYJAFX Quest Detector - KNJBD8 Studs x2 - 5MZ73E -=Characters=- Result Code ---------------------------------------- Aquaman - V3GTHB Atrocitus - ZGCEAJ Bane - XZKLKQ Batgirl - 4LS32K Batman Of Zur-En-Arrh - ZWQPJD Beast Boy - YC3KZZ Blue Beetle - APEKBV Deathstroke - 5SW59X Doctor Fate - 4HRERD The Fierce Flame - NQ46RC Frankenstein - FQ4ESE Giganta - 95U7BM The Joker - 9WYGLP Kevin Smith - J6ANCT Lobo - B5ABPQ Music Meister - S7GSDE Nightwing - N9CZ7S Plastic Man - H2VB8Z Red Hood - TRQTPS Superboy - QDQ3YL Secret 1966 Batman Show Bonus Level: ------------------------------------ Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Same Bat-Time! Same Bat-Channel!" bonus level. Go to the Batcave's main room, and fly up to the elevator with the Bat-logo to the left of the Batcomputer. When in the trophy room, fly to the far right to reach the studio set, which looks similar to the Wayne Manor study in the 1966 Batman TV show. Switch to Batman or any character with a grapple gun. Pull the grapple point to the left of the bookcase to reveal a secret passage. Slide down the pole to start the bonus level. Hidden doughnut locations: -------------------------- Search the indicted location on the listed hub planet to find a hidden doughnut. Destroy a hidden doughnut to get the "Doughnut Discoverer" achievement. -=Nok=- During Loontern's second quest on Nok, you will need to defeat 20 enemies in a prison area. Search the top level of cells to find the hidden doughnut. -=Ysmault=- Look for a burning building on Ysmault, where the Heatwave character stud is found. There is a crack in that same building that can be smashed open with a super strong character to reveal a doughnut. -=Zamaron=- Teleport to Zamaron, and use a flying character. Fly over the teleporter, and go past the Star Sapphire minifig statue. Just north and a little west of the statue is a rocky hill with crystals sticking out. The rocky hill is close to the starting point for Loontern's third quest. There is a tiny donut on the top of the hill. Land and walk into it, or hit it, to collect the doughnut. Easy studs: ----------- Play "The Lantern Menace" level in Free Play mode. Go to the first part, and progress from the start until you reach the point where you are facing a large Brainiac skull in a symmetrical room. On the right side is an electric field, and on the left an electric port. Switch to any character that has an electricity suit (put on infinite electricity, if desired), and fill the port on the left. This will get rid of the Brainiac tentacles on the top of the stairs, and fire should replace them. Switch to Superman, and walk in the middle of the fires. Initiate his freeze-breath to extinguish the fire and get studs for it, but the fire will immediately return. Keep extinguishing the fire with Superman to get as many studs as desired. Use any stud multiplier to make this even more effective. Classic Batman television show theme: ------------------------------------- Highlight a character at the selection screen and remain idle without selecting them. Certain characters will begin singing the theme from the classic Batman television show. Infinite Studs: --------------- Work your way through the level called The Lantern Menace until you reach a machine where Batman or Cyborg must provide an electrical charge. Do as instructed and a step should appear, along with a fire. Now, equip Batman's ice suit and try to put out the fire. It doesn't ever extinguish entirely, and studs should keep appearing to reward your efforts. You can continue producing studs in this fashion, which makes it easy to collect millions or billions of studs in a relatively short period of time (especially if you have multipliers enabled).