Legacy of the Kawasaki Family HexCheat: --------- There are 19 endings in the game, and over 50 pictures in the photoshop. Check the values in the "FLAG3" file first: if the beginning says "ALLPIC.MES", and byte $6B is already $11, then the photoshop has already been maximized. If it hasn't, or all the endings aren't showing up, change bytes $61 through $6A to the value $11, except $63 can be $10 and not miss anything. Now change $6B to the value $01. When you next run the game and view the entire photoshop, you will get a final screen with a Japanese text phrase, and the FLAG3 file will be modified to maximize the photoshop. There are other ways of getting to see only some of the pictures, but I figured you can always ignore the boring stuff if you are guaranteed to see ALL the adult stuff as well. Note that any changes to the FLAG3 file require a binary file editor.