Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver Cheat Codes: ------------ Press [Esc] and enter one of the following codes. Note: You must be playing the game with the keyboard controls. Result Code ----------------------------------- Refill health - 364141 Upgrade health to next level - 271543 Maximum health - 263434 Refill magic - 221523 Maximum magic - 5232451 Hurt Raziel - 16443 Pass through barriers - 3661254 Wall climbing - 538243 Force projectile - 126121 Swim ability - 4632614 Constrict ability - 34226443 Soul Reaver - 35822331532 Fire Reaver - 342431623 Make Fire Reaver - 52364 Aerial Reaver - 724451124 Kain Reaver - 76251124 Shift at any time - 4432216213 Force Glyph - 31534 Sound Glyph - 2236443 Stone Glyph - 3641322 Water Glyph - 36432 Fire Glyph - 4424582 Sunlight Glyph - 16122441 Toggle active cheats - 1324 To Make a Fire reaver from a Soul Reaver: ----------------------------------------- Submitted by: d.shankarnarayana E-mail:shankar_annauniv@yahoo.com When you have Defeated Kain for the first time, You (Raziel) is awarded with a Soul Reaver.Use the Soul reaver to break the door and continue your journey. In Material Realm, When you find any campfire on your way go near it with the soul reaver and press the action key "A" to make fire reaver. If more doubts persists, Mail me. Avoiding Enemies forever: ------------------------- Submitted by: d.shankar e-mail: shankar_annauniv@yahoo.com As you proceed your quest you may encounter many creatures. (Don't Consider Spectral Realm).Therefore,It is better to always be equipped with any weapon(eg:torch,spear,etc).when you kill any creature with a weapon you see a green soul of that creature wandering don't attempt to devour(eat) it.because if you devour it,the soul of the creature gets destroyed and after sometime he'll come back so this will be a problem. To avoid that , Hit him nicely with the weapon and when he is unconscious press the Ignite or Pierce key`F' and leave him there and don't devour the soul. In doing so he will never come back until you load a new game. Managing and Escaping from Cocoon Spiders: ------------------------------------------ Submitted by: d.shankar narayana e-mail: shankar_annauniv@yahoo.com When you have defeated malchiel your next mission is to fight Zephon. Before Attacking zephon you will encounter many spiders (their attacks are ridiculous) inorder to avoid them follow this technique.when the spiders are after you just jump on a wall by seeing you the spider too attempt to climb the wall as a result he gets stucked.He cannot escape and remains there till you load a new game. GameTip: -------- Marcel Liberty, Submitted the following Information: Email: MarcelL@shortandassociates.com Mind control the saw faced critter outside the cave to the blood fountain that gives "hearts." Take it in and sacrifice and you will get 99 "hearts" to complete the rest of the game (it is pretty much a "walk-through" at this point). Hex Cheats: ----------- There are a number of "command line" parameters that the game will accept, but unfortunately not on the actual command line nor by trying to use the file "KAIN2.ARG", which has the default parameters used by the game. They are actually read from an area inside the KAIN2.EXE file. There are only 39 bytes that can be used. Be sure to backup KAIN2.EXE before editing this file. To find the place with a hex editor, search for some part or all of the following string: under 1 -mainmenu -voice -inspectral The first parameter should be a level name. This level will be loaded if the "Start A New Game" option is chosen on the Main Menu. See below for level names. The remaining bytes can be used for parameters. If the -mainmenu parameter is not there, when the game is started, the first parameter level will automatically be loaded. The -inspectral parameter means Raziel will start a new game in the spectral world. It is not known exactly what the -voice parameter does as there are still voices in the game if it is not there. The following string will open all portals. Also, when a new game is selected, it will start after the long beginning cut-scene and very close to the first portal. These cheats will not however allow access to all areas of the game because they do not grant any of the additional abilities or weapons needed to continue nor will they solve any of the puzzles which open locked doors. train 1 -mainmenu -voice -allwarp Command Line Parameters -ALLWARP -LOADGAME -DEBUG_CD -VOICE -INSPECTRAL -MAINMENU -TIMEOUT -NOMUSIC -NOSOUND -NOPUPPETSHOWS -GHOST_CAM -ALLGLYPHS -NO_CHEATS -NOSHIFT -LEVELID -MOREVRAM -NOMONSTERS -FASTLOAD -NOTEXTURESWAP -MONSTER_DUMBASS -MONSTER_MESSAGES -MONSTER_STATS -DRAW_MONSTER_AI -PLANNING_MESSAGES -DRAW_PLANNING -USE_C -NOMONSTERAI -NOSCRIPTS Level Names (not in order) -------------------------- Note: Sometimes other numbers after the level name will also work. Examples: train 2; cathy 25. chrono 1 pillars 1 cathy 55 chrono 2 nightb 8 aluka 46 pillars 2 cathy 54 skinnr 12 fire 3 train 9 train 7 train 1 hubb 1 huba 10 huba 6 huba 1 mrlock 1 under 1 cliff 1 city 14 city 9 city 2 city tower 7 tower 1 add 1 conectc 1 tomb 1 boss 2 htorm 1 piston 1 sunrm 1 intvaly 1 fill 1 stone 10 stone 5 stone 1 skinnr 9 skinnr 1 skinnr 7 out 4 out 1 cathy 68 cathy 49 cathy 47 cathy 42 cathy 19 cathy 8 cathy 5 cathy 3 cathy 1 tompil 3 pillars 9 pillars 4 pillars 3 oracle 22 oracle 18 oracle 17 oracle 15 oracle 13 oracle 10 oracle 5 oracle 3 oracle's cave nightb 5 nightb 3 nighta 4 nighta 2 nighta 1 aluka 29 aluka 27 aluka 19 aluka 12 aluka 8 aluka 6 aluka 4 aluka 1 Do not attack humans: --------------------- You will encounter your first human in Malchia's domain. He is a vampire hunter garbed in silver armor, shoots silver stakes from a bow, and will be hostile. Leave him alone and continue on to fight the zombie-like vampire. Leave after killing it, and do not go back to the human. The next human you encounter, located in the gear room, should fall to his knees and hold out his arms. The humans now consider you an avenging angel. Do not attack them, or they will turn on you. Warning: Vampire Worshippers are garbed in red and gold. They wield throwing knives and staffs and will always attack. You may kill them as they are evil. Be sure to check your human targets. You will now be able to peacefully roam through the human stronghold. Defeating Malchia: ------------------ To defeat the Malchia, lure him under one of the two spike gates and release them right when he is slithering under it. Repeat this on the other side of the room. After that, lure him into the center cage, quickly jump out, run to where Malchia started from, and roll the lever. This will cause the large spikes on the ceiling to come grinding down on top of him. Defeating Dumah: ---------------- Pull the three stakes out of him to bring him back to life. Lure him into the furnace room very slowly -- if you move too fast, he will return to his room and you will have to begin again. Turn on the gas and hit the switch after he is in the furnace room to fry him. Defeating Zephon: ----------------- Bring a torch with you to the fight with Zephon. Run up to his belly, and swipe the torch at the hole for a bit of damage. He will attack with his leg, and get it stuck in his belly. Strike the leg. He will be heavily damaged. Strike the egg hole to cause more damage. Any time he gets a leg stuck in the ground, hit it with the torch, then hit his egg sack to quickly kill him. This is easier than the "correct" method. After defeating him, you will gain the ability to scale walls. After the intermission sequence, run towards Zephon and get him to stab at you with his legs. When they are stuck, attack them. They will shatter and the battle will be easier. Hit him in the sack to get him to spit out an egg. Pick it up and run over to the half-man with the flamethrower. Light the egg on fire. The egg will begin to make a creaking sound. The faster the sound, the closer the egg is to exploding. Time the throw so that the egg explodes just as it hits him. Repeat this until Zephon is defeated. Defeating Rahab: ---------------- You must enter the chamber in the spectral realm. Go to the top pillar where the portal is located and materialize. After a brief exchange of words, your only task is to shoot out the windows lining the room to let in the sunlight. Use the force blast-- you do not need Soul Reaver, so do not worry about taking hits. After he dies, you will acquire the swimming ability. Defeating Kain (first time): ---------------------------- Simply wait for him to materialize and hit him. He will appear behind you 90% of the time. You will acquire Soul Reaver after he is defeated. Defeating Kain (final time): ---------------------------- Wait for him to materialize and hit him. You need soul reaver to do damage. The spirit forge in the center of the arena always automatically fills your health. Simply run over to it to accomplish this. When you strike him the first time, he appears on the second tier, again usually behind you. Finally, when you hit him on the second tier, he will materialize on the third and highest tier, again usually behind you. Quickly hit him a third time to defeat him. Use of the Constrict ability: ----------------------------- First, you must have a circular area around the target. For example: Assume that the target is a Dumahim vampire (the most common in Nosgoth). Now, without using autoface, run a complete circle around the vampire until Raziel is followed by a trace of blue energy. This energy, once fully invoked, will "constrict" the vampire, causing it to be momentarily stunned -- and allowing ample time for you to finish the it off. The Constrict ability has odd effects on humans. They are as follows: 1. Certain humans, once you begin the Constrict ability, will act as though they plummeted into water. If you do not finish the ability, they will "drown". 2. The human will get stunned when Constrict is half finished, allowing you to stop and feed on their soul. 3. The most common and normal result is that the human will instantaneously die. The Constrict ability is required to complete the puzzle in the Chrono-chamber. Also, make sure to return to areas of Nosgoth you have already visited prior to gaining that ability. You will find that Constrict can be used on many things, and may open up useful secrets (such as Eldritch artifacts, Glyphs, and life force pieces). Constrict does not work on Kain and will not work underwater. Glyph enhancement: ------------------ After killing Morlock and Rahab, go to Morlock's chamber where you fought him. Go through the small hole in the wall that was made earlier with your new skill. Retrace your steps to where the large ghost ship is located, just before entering the Flooded Abbey. Jump onto the boat and run up to the top north part of the ship. Look where the large, pointy object is pointing. Dive into the water, being cautious of the Rahabim Vampires, and swim in that direction. Eventually, you should see a tunnel under the water. Swim through it and follow the passage. Dodge the miffed vampires as move. You will now be in a large room. Be extremely careful in here. Swim to the other end of the room, then to the top. You should see the Glyph enhancement. Collect it, then leave the room through the passageway you swam through. Then, jump back on the boat. You may have also seen another cave in the water (towards the south of the ship); collect this if desired.