King's Quest 6 - Heir Today Gone Tomorrow Thwarting the 5 Trolls: ----------------------- On Wonder Island, You'll run into 5 trolls, each with only one sense. They are the guards of the island and will kill you if they find out you're a human. Here's how to decieve them. Nose troll: ----------- Show him the skunk flower (From mountain island) Ears troll: ----------- Play the mechanical nightengale (From the pawn shop) Tongue troll: ------------- Feed him the mint (From the Pawn shop) Hands troll: ------------ Show him the rabbit's foot (From the wrecked barge) Eyes troll: ----------- Pour invisible ink on yourself (From the basket outside Pawn Shop) When the eye troll sees nothing, he'll call the others morons and they'll a ll run away. The objects needed to trick the guardian trolls are: ---------------------------------------------------- RIDDLE OBJECT LOCATION Jumbo Nose stinky flower from Isle of Scacred Mountain Hands leaf from Isle of Scacred Mountain Ear humming bird from the pawn shop Look Invisable Ink the pawn shop owner dumps it out Taste Mint from the pawn shop