King's Bounty - Warriors of the North Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Steam achievements: ------------------- Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats. Achievement How to unlock --------------------------------------------------------------- Adventurer - Get the achievements "Greedy", "Collector", "Heartless", "Amateur Jeweler" and "Bane of Death". Amateur Jeweler - Collect 250 chests during your travels. Arachnophobe - Defeat the Undead Spider and all of its troops in under 15 rounds. Astral Rider - You have helped to free the demon Lurfu from the astral captivity in boiling lava, and for this he rewarded you with the title of Astral Rider. Bane of Death - Defeat Runorm and close the Dark Portal, losing no more than 30% of your forces, or without losing a single troop. Bane of Life - Apply a total of 1,000,000 damage. Black Death - You have completed the task of the Valkyrie Gudrida, by destroying the army of orcs that were threatening your island. Blademaster - Kael-shot, first blade, in gratitude for your service to King of Merlassar, has taken you into the ranks of the elven order of the Blossoming Blades! Border Guard - You have completed the task of Korn Digor, & cleared New Kordar of the undead hordes. You can now rightfully be called "d'hukha marud" -- Border Guard: Butcher - Destroy 25 enemy troops in a row without replenishing your army. Champion - Receive 15 medals (at least to 1 level). Collector - Collect 75 artefacts and game items. Conciliator - You have returned Taor to sanity and killed the rebellious vikings of Chukata and Gronnum! Now everyone knows that it is impossible to resist you! Confident - Defeat Eric with the fewest allies. Connoisseur - Collect all items of the set. Cool Warrior - Win 50 fights without using Rage skills. Dark Blade - You cut out the heart from the chest of the evil necromancer Ksaltotun, and his dark blood has forever tarnished your blade. Demon Conqueror - You completed the quest of the demon Xeona, and bent the four other demon lords to her will. God of War - Defeat Loki in 10 rounds. Greedy - Accumulate at least 10,000,000 gold. Heart of Flint - You left the poisoned Ele Taera to die in the cave. Of course you have a heart -- as cold as a piece of granite! Heartless - Lose 10,000 troops. Heavy Striker - You won the Dwarven High Hammer, and now you are known across all the dwarven lands as "bhak udrut" -- the Heavy Striker! It has quite a ring to it! High Mage - Inflict 500,000 magic damage over the course of the game. Veteran - Get the achievements "Bane of Life," "Fighter", "Butcher", "Cool Warrior" and "Looking for Trouble". Wizardbane - You overcame the magicians of Arlania and took possession of the Staff of Starlight!