Kingpin - Life of Crime Cheat Codes: ------------ Start the game with the commandline "+developer 1" (ie: "C:Kingpinkingpin.exe +developer 1") Then use the "`" key to bring down the console during the game and type the following codes: Code Result ------------------------ IMMORTAL - God Mode NOCLIP - Clipping Mode EXTRACRISPY - Unknown Effect Use the following commands with the GIVE variable: (ie: GIVE ALL, GIVE CASH, etc) Code Result ----------------------------- ALL - Give All Items (Except Cash) CASH ### - Gives Money in the Amount of ### COIL - Gives Coil WATCH - Gives Watch BATTERY - Gives Battery WHISKEY - Gives Whiskey CHEM_PLANT_KEY - Gives Chemical Plant Key FUSE - Gives Fuse SHOP_KEY - Gives Bait-Shop Key WAREHOUSE_KEY - Gives Warehouse Key LIZZY HEAD - Gives Lizzy's Head SHIPYARD_KEY - Gives Shipyard Key OFFICE_KEY - Gives Moker's Office Key VALVE - Gives Valve Handle TICKET - Gives Skytram Ticket FLASHLIGHT - Gives Flashlight WEAPON Commands: (use with GIVE variable - ie: GIVE CROWBAR) Code Result --------------------- CROWBAR - Give Weapon PISTOL - Give Weapon SHOTGUN - Give Weapon TOMMYGUN - Give Weapon HEAVY MACHINEGUN - Give Weapon GRENADE LAUNCHER - Give Weapon BAZOOKA - Give Weapon FLAMETHROWER - Give Weapon BULLETS ### - Give ### of Bullets SHELLS ### - Give ### of Shells 308CAL ### - Give ### of 308cal GRENADES ### - Give ### of Grenades ROCKETS ### - Give ### of Rockets GAS ### - Give ### of Gas SPISTOL - Give Silencer for Handgun PISTOL RELOAD - Auto-Reload for Handgun ARMOR Commands: (use with GIVE variable - ie: GIVE HEALTH) Code Result ------------------------- SMALL HEALTH - Gives Small Medical Kit LARGE HEALTH - Gives Large Medical Kit ADRENALINE - Gives Adrenaline HEALTH - Gives Full Health HELMET ARMOR - Gives Helmet Armor JACKET ARMOR - Gives Jacket Armor LEGS ARMOR - Gives Legs Armor ARMOR - Gives Full Armor MAP Commands: (use with MAP variable - ie: MAP SR1) Level 1: -------- SR1 - Skid Row SR2 - The Super SR3 - Mean Streets SR4 - The Jesus BAR_SR - Jax KPCUT1 - What's The Count (Cutscene) Level 2: -------- PV_1 - Louie's Errand PV_B - Blanco Industries PV_H - Poisonville PV_BOSS - Nikki Blanco BAR_PV - Club Swank KPCUT3 - Consequences (Cutscene) Level 3: -------- SY1 - Pier Pressure SY2 - Das Boot SY_H - Lizzie's Problem SEWER - The Sewers BAR_SY - Salty Dog Level 4: -------- STEEL1 - Steeltown STEEL2 - Steel Mill STEEL3 - Steel Processing STEEL4 - Moker Shipping BAR_ST - Boiler Room Level 5: -------- TY1 - Derailed TY2 - Dark Passage TY3 - Trainyards TY4 - Depot KPCUT4 - The Picnic (Cutscene) Level 6: -------- RC1 - Radio City Station RC2 - Enter The Dragons RC3 - Streets Of Fire RC4 - Skytram Station RC5 - Central Towers BAR_RC - Typhoon RCBOSS1 - Crystal Palace East RCBOSS2 - Crystal Palace West KPCUT7 - Endsequenz Teamlevel: ---------- TEAM_PV - Backstreet Rumble TEAM_RC - All Aboard TEAM_SR - Team Streets Deathmatchlevel: ---------------- DM1 - Rival Turf DM2 - Industrial Waste DM3 - Mean Streets DM4 - Urban Decay DM5 - Central Towers Early ammunition: ----------------- When you first start the game, notice that the middle of the wooden wall behind you is different then its rest. As you pick the pipe, break the middle of the wooden wall and follow the way down. On the floor will be pistol ammunition. Killing faster with the Manhole Opener: --------------------------------------- Once you get the Manhole Opener, when you fight do not hold [Attack]. Instead, tap it. Each swing will go straight to the head, which will kill your enemy faster. Use Quake 2 Maps in Kingpin: ---------------------------- To use the maps of Quake 2 in Kingpin, do the following: Download a Quake II editor like quark or qped. Load it up and open the pak1.pak in your baseq2 directory. Open the maps folder and right click on the ones you want. Choose EXPORT FILE and save the bsp in you kingpin/main/maps folder. If you don't have that folder, make one. Make sure you export the folder textures and place them in the kp texture directory.