Independence War 2 - Edge of Chaos HexCheat: --------- First open the defaults.ini file in the main dir with notepad and change developer_mode = 0 to developer_mode = 1. Then go to the /configs folder and add these lines to the default.ini file - under the cheat key section (down at the bottom): [icPlayerPilot.DevIndestructable] Keyboard, I, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevKillCurrentTarget] Keyboard, X, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevJumpToCurrentTarget] Keyboard, G, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevDamageSelf] Keyboard, K, CTRL, ALT Hit the corresponding 3 keys to do what it says. Hint: ----- E-mail: Ratmonkey2001@aol.com You need to get your editor and edit that cheat because editing the default.ini will not enable developer mode you should edit the flux.ini and change the developer mode there for it to work. Cheat Codes: ------------ Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "flux.ini" file in the game folder. Change the "developer_mode = 0" entry to "developer_mode = 1". Save the file, then enter the "/configs" folder. Use a text editor to edit the "default.ini" file. Locate the cheat key section towards the end of the file and add the following entries. [icPlayerPilot.DevIndestructable] Keyboard, I, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevKillCurrentTarget] Keyboard, X, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevJumpToCurrentTarget] Keyboard, G, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevDamageSelf] Keyboard, K, CTRL, ALT Begin game play, then press all three keys as previously defined to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Using the cheats may cause the game's story line to fail. Other cheats can be enabled by also adding the following lines to the file. [ScriptKeys.StartGMission] Keyboard, G, SHIFT [ScriptKeys.MultiplayerDebug] Keyboard, M, CTRL, ALT [icDirector.DevCycleAllCameras] Keyboard, F1, CTRL [Game.ToggleDeveloperMode] Keyboard, D, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleShipInformationMode] Keyboard, Z, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevReloadModifiedResources] Keyboard, L, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleStatistics] Keyboard, S, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleTasks] Keyboard, T, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleProfile] Keyboard, P, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevToggleBounds] Keyboard, B, CTRL, ALT [Game.DevRemoteAll] Keyboard, R, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevShowAllContacts] Keyboard, A, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevShowPlayerContact] Keyboard, Tab, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevIndestructable] Keyboard, I, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevKillCurrentTarget] Keyboard, X, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevJumpToCurrentTarget] Keyboard, G, CTRL, ALT [icPlayerPilot.DevDamageSelf] Keyboard, K, CTRL, ALT [FcConsole.Toggle] Keyboard, Home, SHIFT [FcConsole.ScrollDown] Keyboard, PageDown, SHIFT [FcConsole.ScrollUp] Keyboard, PageUp, SHIFT [FcConsole.ScrollToEnd] Keyboard, End, SHIFT [fcGraphicsDeviceD3D.TakeScreenShot] Keyboard, F12 Much faster: ------------ Copy directory "Movies" from the play disc to the directory you installed the game. The cd is request but the movies runs faster.