In the 1st Degree

In the 1st Degree

Winning the game means obtaining a first degree murder conviction
against James Tobin. It is important to note that there is more 
than one way to get the First Degree Verdict. The order in which
the witnesses are interviewed and examined on the stand generally
does not matter.

Gather info, take notes, interview:
It is probably best to gather the information before interviewing
the witnesses. Therefore, begin by looking at the Documents and 
Evidence. Then listen to and review the Tapes. Be sure to take 
notes in your Notebook. Lastly, interview the Witnesses. 
(Please note: Each time that you begin a new game, it is not 
necessary to reexamine the Evidence and Tapes if you have already
collected the necessary information from them. It is important 
how you handle the witnesses and ask them questions).

Preview questions asked:
When interviewing the witnesses, take note of the Sound Button 
before the questions. Clicking on this button allows you to 
preview the questions before actually asking them. Thus, you 
can hear the way the question will be asked. In order to ask 
the question, click on the text of the question itself.

Each different line of questioning leads to different types of
answers, so select carefully. You want to try to get as much 
information as possible.

Get to know the witness:
While interviewing the Witnesses, please note that you must handle
the witnesses properly in order to get the responses that you want
from them. Each witness is different. So take some time to get to 
know them.

Remember, keep track of all of your information:
Treat the witnesses accordingly and try to get as much information
as possible. This works to your advantage when you decide to go to
trial. If you have not revealed the information, then this will 
affect you in trial.

Going to trial:
When you go to trial, please note that your Prediction of the 
Verdict and your Opening Statement affects the outcome of the 
trial. So, it is best to make the Prediction that you feel is 
likely due to the information that you gathered when interviewing
the Witnesses.

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