Immortal Cities - Children of the Nile Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: conner54 To use a cheat code from within the game press [Enter] while on the city level to bring up a dialogue box. Type in any of the cheat codes along with any parameters and press [Enter] again. Cheat codes that affect a building (inventory or satisfaction) require it to be selected first, and the cheats only work on one building at a time. If cheat codes are used in a scenario, it will make a note of this in the save game and upon victory or loss, the fact that one cheated is displayed on the victory/loss screen. Warning: The use of cheat codes is not supported and some (such as Osiris) may cause unintended results, including exit from the game. Code Effect ------------------------------------------------------------------ Amun - Display a list of all of the cheats. Anubis [player_id] - Kills all units controlled by the player. Bast [resourcenum][amount] - Same as Ptah, but creates a storage area and adds the resource to it. Hapi - Restores all units hit points back to max. Hathor [full unitid] - View indicated unit. Hathor [player][unitid] - Focuses the camera on the unit. Horus - Toggle free palace upgrade. Isis [resourcenum][amount] - Removes resources from a building. Ma'at - Redistributes food as if harvest came in. Osiris - Will fill a building to the max with all of its resources. Ptah [resourcenum][amount] - Adds an [amount] amount of resource to the selected building. The amount is optional. If not included, it will fill the building to the max. Ra [number] - Adds envoy to palace. Limited by prestige. Set - Automatic Loss! Worship [xcoord] [ycoord] - Focuses the camera on [xcoord,ycoord]. Thoth - Win current level. Sobek - Clear all household inventory. Sobek Goods - Clear goods inventory. Sobek Food - Clear food inventory. Resources List: --------------- 2 Wheat 3 Wood, Acacia 4 Block, Fine Limestone 5 Gold 6 Bricks (straw) 7 Block, Limestone 9 Reeds (papyrus) 10 Clay 11 Straw 14 Emeralds 15 Flax 16 Copper 17 Tin 18 Kohl 19 Oil 22 Henna 23 Barley 24 Lettuce 25 Onions 26 xBeef 27 Fish 28 Fowl 29 Grapes 30 Pomegranates 32 Dates 33 Rushes 34 Leather 35 Quartz 36 Turquoise 37 Flowers 39 Mats, Rushes 40 Baskets, Rushes 41 Pottery 42 Linen 43 Cosmetics, Kohl 44 Perfume, Henna 45 Sandals, Rush 46 Papyrus 47 Sculpture, Clay 48 Jewelry (emerald) 49 Furniture, Reeds 50 Incense 51 Spices 52 Monkeys 53 Furs 55 Armor 57 Jewelry (turquoise) 58 Furniture, Acacia 59 Sculpture, Basalt 60 Jewelry (faience) 61 Kopesh 62 Weapons 63 Bricks (reeds) 64 Bricks (rushes) 65 Jewelry (gold) 66 Bread (barley) 67 Wine (date) 68 Wine (pomegranate) 69 Wine (fig) 70 Beer 71 Bread (wheat) 72 Jewelry (turquoise&emerald) 73 Myrrh 74 Mats, Reeds 75 Baskets, Reeds 76 Perfume, Flowers 77 Perfume, Myrrh 78 Cosmetics, Henna 79 Chariot 80 Generic Food 81 Stele, Granite, Small 82 Statue, Basalt, Large 83 Statue, Basalt, Small 84 Stele, Granite, Large 86 Wood, Cedar 87 Furniture, Cedar 88 Sculpture, Bronze 89 Cosmetics, Copper 90 Sandals, Leather 91 Fruit Tree 92 Obelisk, Small 94 Obelisk, Large 95 Ship 96 Sandals, Leather and Rush 97 Jewelry (turquoise&gold) 98 Jewelry (emerald&gold) 99 Jewelry (turquoise&emerald&gold) 100 Sculpture, Copper 101 Sculpture, Tin 102 Cosmetics, Copper, Henna and Kohl Steam achievements: ------------------- Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats. Abu : Abu Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Asyut : Asyut Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Bubastis : Bubastis Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Djedu : Djedu Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Grand Campaign : Grand Campaign Complete. Henen-Nesu : Henen-Nesu Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Itjtawy : Itjtawy Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Iunet : Iunet Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Iunu : Iunu Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Khmun : Khmun Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Men-Nefer : Men-Nefer Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Nekhen : Nekhen Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Nubt : Nubt Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Pi-Ramesse : Pi-Ramesse Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Shedet : Shedet Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign. Waset : Waset Scenario Completed in Grand Campaign.