Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Easy experience: ---------------- When inside Kresselack's Tomb, past the first big door, will be a Skeletal Mage named Mytos. If you are polite with him, and opt for a nonviolent solution, you will get extra experience points before the fight. To level up a character easily, have only one character. Go through the first quests at the starting town. Then, save the character as an import. Start a new game and load the import. Do the same quests as if you were using a new character. It does more difficult to level up, but it is possible to get your character to level 22 before going to the next town. Easy and early gold: -------------------- When in Easthaven, do the quest involving Jhonyn and the blue-skinned woman and earn a pearl. Return to talk to her (immediately before she disappears) . If you are quick, you can talk to her again while she is disappearing and she will go through the same dialogue -- and you will get another pearl. If you are quick enough, you can get three pearls, each worth 100 gold pieces.