Hunter Hunted Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: Neville Rochat E-mail: Neviller@icap-solutions.com Hit Enter before and after the following codes. Code Result -------------------------- TREVOR - All weapons and full ammo Necrodome - ? RUNAWAY - Fires all weapons VERSION - Version number DEBUG - Debug info To use these codes, type them in then press Enter: Code Result -------------------------- COLE - Invincibility and all weapons RAYL - Invincibility INVINCIBLE - Invincibility LUKASZUK - All weapons SNELLINGS - Full health These codes change the color of your character: Code Result ------------------ VINCENT - Grey BLUE - Blue SAGE - Green AVACADO - Light Green OCHRE - Brown HAHN - Brown Escape From New York reference: ------------------------------- In the introduction sequence showing the Sierra logo, there is a wall with graffiti all over it. On this wall is the message "Snake P. (for Plissken) Was Here". This is a reference to the film Escape From New York. Easter Egg - Another Escape from New York Reference: ---------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: AJ Look at the beginning of the game near the first Escape from New York reference (Snake P. was here), and in white, you see "Snake, I thought you were dead." This is a reference to a line spoken by virtually everyone Snake encounters in the movie.