Hunt: The Unknown Quarry Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K Achievements: ------------- Successfully complete the listed task to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", "My profile", "View all my games", then the game and view stats. Achievement How to unlock ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Back in the Ground - Slay a Revenant. Broken Statuary - Slay a Gorgon. Bump in the Night - Win a game as any monster. Calm - Recover energy by resting. Choose your weapon - Exceed your hand limit and drop a card. Clever - Spend an energy to change the result of a die roll. Curses Broken - Slay a warlock. Defanged - Slay a Naga. Discrete - Withdraw a card after rolling the die. Down, but not Out - Kill a monster while crippled. Final Rest - Slay a Spirit. Howling Silenced - Slay a Werewolf. Immortality Denied - Slay a Lich. Inconceivable - Use Magic. Insatiable - Use Bite. Irresistible - Use Wasting. Larcenous - Steal an item with Grab. Legendary - Win 30 games. Nice Guy - Steal an item and give it back. Nightmare - Win 10 games as monsters. Payday - Win a game as a hunter. Prepared - Use a reaction card. Quick - Spend an energy to do an extra action on your turn. Rite of Passage - Play a game to completion. Shattered Clay - Slay a Golem. Single Combat - Kill a monster that no other hunter has wounded. Slayer - Win 10 games as a hunter. Stealing trash - Steal an item and immediately drop it. Strong - Deal a guaranteed would with Brawl (Roll a 6).