House of the Dead Cheat Codes: ------------ Hold "CTRL" In The Main Menu And Write These codes while still holding. Code Effect --------------------------------- SKIDMARX - Enable Cheat and Edit Stats CREATURE - Enable Creature Test Boss Weak Spots ---------------------------- Boss 1: Keep shooting at the red in the left of this Freaks chest. Then when his armor breaks shoot him anywhere on his almost-dead body and hes a dead corpse. Watch out when he goes crazy because he'll keep swinging his Blood-Blade staff. Boss 2: Keep shooting the Gargoyles stomach til he falls to the ground. Watch out for his bat minions. Boss 3: Keep Shooting the Giant Spiders face. Just watch out for the webs he throws at you. Final Boss: This is one tough battle. Keep shooting his handes to reduce the amount of fireballs he throws your way. Cheat: ------ SUBMITTED BY: HARIKUMAR P alternative@epatra.com Defeating the Final Boss: HIS BEST WEAK POINT IS HIS LEGS, KEEP SHOOTING ON HIS LEGS FOR EASY AND FAST WINNING. SPECIALLY WHEN TWO PLAYERS ARE PLAYING, ONE PLAYER SHOULD KEEP A SHARP EYE ON HIS ARMS FOR SHOOTING INCOMING GLOWING BALLS AND ANOTHER MUST KEEP SHOOTING ON HIS LEGS FOR WINNING AT A HIGH SPEED. Easy reload: ------------ To make it seem like your getting unlimited ammunition without having to reload set "Options" to "Automatic Reload". By doing this, you can fire repeatedly without even having to manually reload. Soundtrack: ----------- Play track two and above of the game disc in an audio CD player to hear music from the game. Endings: -------- There are three different endings. Normal ending - Just complete the game. Sophie is a zombie - Complete the game where the total number of continues remaining ends in a zero. If two players are playing, add the remaining continues of each player. Sophie is alive - Complete the game with a score of at least 62,000 points. Cheat: ------ Submitted by: shadaabvohra Email: shadabvohra@yahoo.com While pressing [Ctrl] just press "r" key from your key board. If you press the following cheat the auto machine gun starts and it kills all the enemy which appears on your screen and the game becomes like a movie as you did not have to do any thing but to enable this cheat you have to first activate skidmark cheat just press [Ctrl] and while pressing it press skidmarx and then again while pressing ctrl press r. No Reload Trick: ---------------- Submitted by: Zubair Khalid There is a simple trick about bullets in House of Dead 1. Read following trick. Step1: Run Game. Step2: After run game choose Options. SteP3: In Options select Auto Reload: On. Go back to main menu and start game. You will never want to reload