Home Sweet Home
Cheat Codes:
Go into your c:program fileshome sweet homeresourceFiles
directory, and find the file gamedata.xml
- Look for the word === WORKER DATA === by using edit > find.
- There are three sections for the workers, under Goran, Fat Guy,
and Chick - yes, I find that just slightly demoralizing. A chick
goes around -hammering nails in as fast as the other ones.
- Change the Stamina to 999.9?
- Change the build speed to 0.50?
- Change the walk speed to 2.5?
- Change the stamina drop to 0?
- Do this for all three workers.
Once youre done that, lets tackle the global difficulty. It should
be RIGHT ABOVE the worker data.
- Look for the phrase
(Just use edit > find its easier that way)
- Change value= to 0.
- Do this for per_furn_injury_inc, stamina_decrease_rate_inc, furniture_decay_inc,
item_request_time_inc, as well as worker_injury_percent_inc.
- Save the file.
Load up the game, and you should have workers that:
- Dont get tired
- Dont ask for things
- Dont get injured
- Builds like absolute maniacs
- Walks faster
- Whose work deteriorate VERY slowly over time.
You can go ahead and fool around with the rest of the settings.
Tips and Tricks:
This tip is really cool, if the clients wish is fulfilled but u have to still
buy some extra things to complete the task bring a dining table and place as
many candles you need to full fill the task if u do that u can save time and
have no difficulty at all while building make sure that while ur building this
dining table with candles let all the 3 workers together do it so that if
someone great hurt other can still be working as well as it saves time and
build this after u done all other items coz this needs all the 3 workers i
hope u all understood its kinda complicated but this will really help u and
u will have no difficulty during last levels.