Hired Guns - The Jagged Edge Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: Byowulf First add a line to your QUICKSTART.EXE trough the properties screen like the following: "C:Program FilesTri SynergyHired Gunsbingame.exe" -cheater Next, go to your install folder basiscampaignsJazz like the following: C:Program FilesTri SynergyHired GunsbasiscampaignsJAZZ Then open the "global_vars" file in Notepad and change the "cheats = 0 " line to "cheats = 1 ". Ingame, open the console (~) and type "cheater on" and press TAB for new commands. Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes. Code Result ------------------------------------ heal [player] nn - Heal Named Player (Hired Merc Callsigns) kill [player] - Kill Named Player gainxp [player] nn - Add XP to Named Player setPersonHealth [player] nn - Se Health of Named Player grave - Close console window exit - Quit game heal [player name] - Set health of indicated player to maximum It involves editing a file: --------------------------- Submitted by: Kiddo Open "...Hired GunsbasiscampaignsJAZZglobal_vars.lua with" notepad and just change. Start_Money_Easy (or the level of difficulty you wish to play) and change the amount there (don't get too greedy, the game may crash). Now start a new game on the "edited" difficulty and you will have that amount of money to buy different stuff.