Hexen 2 Cheat Codes: ------------ Type these in the console: Code Effect ------------------------------- god - Godmode ON/OFF noclip - Noclipping ON/OFF notarget - Enemys don't recognice you ON/OFF changelevel X - Changes level (X= Level Name) restart - Restarts the level name X - Changes your name (X= New Name) give h X - Gives health (X= Ammount of health. Maximum 999) give 2 - Gives weapon 2 give 3 - Gives weapon 3 give 4 - Gives weapon 4 impulse 9 - All Weapons/Mana impulse 14 - Gives you a Sheep impulse 23 - Torch impulse 43 - All Weapons/Mana/Items impulse 44 - Throws a Item impulse 10 - Change Weapon impulse 13 - Lift Object impulse 100 - Uses the Torch impulse 101 - Uses the Quartz Flask impulse 102 - Uses the Mystic Urn impulse 103 - Uses the Krater impulse 104 - Uses the Chaos Device impulse 105 - Uses the Tome of Tower impulse 106 - Uses the Summon stn impulse 107 - Uses the Invisibility impulse 108 - Uses the Glyph impulse 109 - Uses the Boots impulse 110 - Uses the Repulsion impulse 111 - Uses the No Peep impulse 112 - Uses the Ring Of Flight impulse 113 - Uses the Force Cube impulse 114 - Uses the Icon Defn chase_active 1= Chase Mode (Camera) impulse 299 = 20 of each artifact! To jump to different levels of the game: All you have to do is type: map--------------------- At the command prompt, and that will load the appropriate level. Hexen2 Levels: demo1 demo2 demo3 village1 village2 village3 village4 village5 rider1a meso2 meso3 meso4 meso5 meso6 meso1 egypt1 egypt2 egypt3 egypt4 egypt5 egypt6 rider2c romeric1 romeric2 romeric3 romeric4 romeric5 romeric6 romeric7 castle4 castle5 cath tower eidolon