Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Debug mode: ----------- Submitted by: adel ahmadyan To activate a debug mode in Harry Potter and chamber of secret you need to go to your Harry Potter game directory and then open system folder. There you can find a file named as game.ini open it and search for a title like this. [HGame.HPConsole] bDebugMode=False RootWindow=UWindow.UWindowRootWindow MouseScale=0.6 ShowDesktop=False bShowConsole=False UWindowKey=IK_None At first line put bDebugmode = true. This will activate a debug mode in game. to use game console you can change an option of bshowconsole from false to true. after this save file and start the game. Now you can use cheat on game. For swiching level push F4 or you can Do every thing! ( use Harry potter 1 cheat). You can activate console in other way by editing "default.ini" and search for something like this [HGame.HPConsole] bDebugMode=False and change option of bdebugmode from false to true!!!! Hint: ----- Submitted by: Arsalaan khan E-mail: Arsalaank@hotmail.com In the last round when you have to face the heir of the chamber and the snake you will have to fight with him. You will be given a sword. Just press your wand button and get ready . When you realize that the snake is going to attack you then release the wand button. In the same way in the second secisson when the snake is about to throw the poison at you just release the wand button and he will recieve the hit. Good luck. Less damage: ------------ Submitted by: rickHH This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "defuser.ini" file in the "ea gamesharry potter and the chamber of secretssystem" folder. Scroll down to the end of the file to find the following text. [HGame.Harry] bInvertBroomPitch=False bAutoCenterCamera=True bMoveWhileCasting=True bAutoQuaff=True fDamageMultiplier_Easy=1.2 fDamageMultiplier_Medium=2.0 fDamageMultiplier_Hard=3.0 You can change the values of "fDamageMultiplier_Easy", "fDamageMultiplier_Medium" or "fDamageMultiplier_Hard" (depending on the level you have selected) to 0.1 to get less damage. Easy Bertie Blotts Every Flavor Beans: -------------------------------------- When you exit of the Gryffindor Tower notice the object in the corner. Hit it with Flipendo and three Beans will appear. Go around the corner and walk at least three steps away. Return and cast Flipendo again to get three more Beans. Repeat this to get as many Beans as needed. Use the Nimbus 2000 Broomstick and fly above Hogwarts. Fly through the rings to get free Beans. A blue ring gives 10 Beans, a yellow ring gives 1 Bean, a red ring gives 3 Beans and a green ring gives 2 Beans. At the beginning at Ron's house is a tool chest in their barn. Every time it moves on its own means that you can shoot it with Flapendo to get more beans. When you go outside of Hogwart's, go to the tree where you walk through a long hallway and Flapendo it to get as many Beans as needed. Easy Wizard Cards: ------------------ Go to the Burrow and Diagon Alley. Look for chests there for Wizard Cards. Go Neville's games, especially Broom Racing, to get Wizard Cards. Note: You will have to pay Beans to participate in Broom Racing and Gnome Tossing, Gnome Dunking is free. In Ron's barn at the very beginning is a card on top of the rafters. To get it, you need to climb the chicken coop outside. Easy points: ------------ In the Chamber Of Secrets, destroy paintings on the wall. You will open the painting and get 100 points for Gryffindor. After returning from the Whomping Willow, head deep to your right when Professor Snape finishes scolding you. There, in a corner, you will find your first Notice Board Item. You can return it to the Notice Board before or after you go to the Restroom Shop the Weasley's set up, earning you the very first 10 points in the game, and possibly a Wizards Card. Easy Sickles: ------------- Once you have collected your Standard Book of Spells (Grade 2) in Diagon Alley, you can cast Flipendo to break barrels and uncover Sickles that you can use to buy items such as Stink Pellets at Gambol and Japes. Easy duel win: -------------- First use Expellmarias until the orange ball is giant. When it is in the air heading for your opponent, use Diffindo before it hits so they cannot move away in time. Note: This may not always work. Sneaking around at night: ------------------------- When sneaking around at night, you need to get by many of the prefects. When you need to get by them, simply crawl under the bookcase to the left of the portrait that leads to the Griffondore common room. It leads through a secret passage that takes you to the fourth floor. When sneaking around and you do not want to walk slowly, you can use various objects and spells to distract the prefects. Stink Pellets are not too reliable, but the non-explodable luminous balloons work well. As for spells, try Flapendo. Avoiding ghosts: ---------------- When you do not want to be hit by ghosts and lose all your items (Balloons, Beans, and sometimes Stink Pellets) just stand on the ledge until the specter nears you. Tap the controls so that you will fall and catch the ledge. When you are hanging, they cannot hit you and cause your items to go flying. Another way to avoid the ghosts and keep from losing your collected items is to use Lumos. Hold Down to maximize the spell. The ghosts will not hit you when the light is on. Sometimes this requires careful timing because you are trying to search and collect items at the same time. Escaping the Slytherins: ------------------------ When you are in the Slytherin common room and need to get out, hide behind the pillar on the right side and wait for the girl to pass. Next, go into the room on your left and stay behind the door. The girl will return and look around. She will not see you. After she walks away, run and jump to avoid being captured. As soon as you exit the room, go to your left. Once there, start running to the door to avoid being captured. This may take a few attempts, as there are many people waiting by the door. Run very fast instead of creeping there -- the Slytherins do not catch on very quickly that you are there. Deduct points from Slytherin: ----------------------------- When Hermione changes you into Goyle, go out at night and try to get caught by the Prefects (the people that patrol the halls). When you do, Slytherin will get 5 house points deducted. You may repeat this process a few times, but after awhile this will stop. Expelliarmus Challenge: ----------------------- Use your spell that cuts down tapestries and ropes on the spiked ball. Walk up close to the edge and hold your trigger button, charge up for a half second and cast. Note: If you throw the imps into the fiery pits, they will die and you do not have to worry about them. Likewise, if you throw them all away you cannot put them into the cages to get out; but when all are indeed gone, they respawn from that hatch in the wall at the first ramp. Professor Flitwick's Incedio Challenge: --------------------------------------- Once you get the Incedio Spell, return to the main room and make sure the two pillars are down. Go into one of them and switch the flame direction so that the flames are both are on one side of the room. On the other side, use Incedio to light the pigs and Flapendo to point them up to lift the platform; then again on the other one. Run quickly to the switch by the exit. If successful the door, will be unlocked halfway. You will need to do likewise with the other side. Note: You do not have to charge at all -- this gives you a few extra needed seconds. Fighting with Expelliarmus: --------------------------- When in one of the few battles with Hogwart's students (just the Slytherin Gang, all others leave you alone), let them make the first shot and bounce it back. Just as you do, use your Flapendo with a quarter to half second charge to knock them back, thus trapping them with two spells to knock back, which they can never manage. Note: Beware, just as you finish casting Flapendo (depending on distance), you will be forced to use your Expelliarmus almost instantly. Defeating Aragog: ----------------- To defeat Aragog, the final big spider, use one of the strafe keys (A and D) and the mouse. While strafing, click the Left Mouse Button repeatedly to keep hitting the spider. It will not do much damage, but you will not get hit very often. Defeating the Basilisk: ----------------------- Grab the sword, but do not attempt to hit it when you get the first chance. When the basilisk gets very tall and green appears from its mouth, use the sword on the black diamond on his chest while he is up. To do that, make sure you lock on then attack. Continue to do this and he will be defeated soon. Note: Only attack him while his head is far above the ground. Defeating the Giant Mother Spider: ---------------------------------- To get to it, use your Lumos spell to light the floor and follow the trail of spiders. Unlike the book, the spiders that are not normal size will try to kill you. Attack them with Incendio. When fighting the Giant Mother Spider, do not try to hurt the spider itself. Instead, use your Incendio spell to burn the web it has attached to the various trees. When done, it will fall into the pit and you will slip in after it. In here, just run around until it rears its head and exposes its soft under-belly. It is the only part that is susceptible to second level magic. Note: It is best to not charge and use rapid firing to get a little extra damage. Defeating the Giant Mother Spider 2: ------------------------------------ While fighting it, you may notice little sacks being dropped and suspended by webbing. Shoot them down with Flapendo and collect health and Bean power ups from Hedwig. Defeating the Giant Spider: --------------------------- To defeat the Giant Spider in the Dark Forest, circle around him and cast Rictosempra. He will not shoot any spider webs at you. Defeating the Whomping Willow: ------------------------------ When the Whomping Willow starts to pound into the ground, hide in the corner where you entered its lair. The shock wave cannot reach you in here, unless you stray too far from it. Should you get hit, you should have refilled your potion Vile before you entered. Also, Hedwig will drop Cauldron Cakes and Beans for your aid. Note: Rapid firing technique is recommended. Lock on to the limbs after they finish pounding and fire a quick shot, then wait to lock onto the Willow's Eye. Then, fire repeatedly until it stops hurting him before running back to your hiding hole. Personal Requests and Notice Board: ----------------------------------- The Notice Board in the Gryffondor common room usually gives a location, but higher up as you near completion they start to give vague clues, such as "Could be anywhere on grounds". With personal requests, they do not ever really give you a clue, except the first one. However, the items are near the area in about a two acre search range. Finding Lost Items: ------------------- When in doubt, check Hagrid's Hut. Many of the lost items end up there. 3 Roots Needed: --------------- Search the left side of Hagrid's Hut, by the Herbology Center. From there, they all scatter (much like Neville's china set) behind Hagrid's Hut towards the Forbidden Forest. The person that wants these will give you the key to the Confiscated Items Room (six more cards and a bag to hold 200 Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans). Lost Badge: ----------- Found on the Broom Flying Field, towards Hagrid's Hut and the Whomping Willow (still inside the Flying Court). Lost Newspaper Article: ----------------------- Search the left side of Hagrid's Hut. Note: "Left" being if you were looking from his front door towards the castle (the side next to the Herbology Center). Lost Wizards Hat: ----------------- Found in a small patch of trees towards the Quiddich Court. Neville's Crockery: ------------------- Can be found close to the Flying Court and Hagrid's Hut. Up on a roof will be a multitude of his china set. Go about a fifteen to twenty five second flying trip from Neville (heading back). Secretive Dragon Scale Gloves: ------------------------------ The elusive gloves are by the lake, but not on land. They can be found just outside the Broom Flying lessons field, on the lakeside. You will notice a long strip is down low. On the far end are five torches (light with Incendio to get a Wizards Card), and in the middle somewhere should be the gloves. Transformation spell: --------------------- After you acquire the spell and return to the main room, use it to get across the room on the other side of the gargoyle. You will need to use the hardly visible ledges to cross. Hang off the wall ledge to escape nearing ghosts, and push down the slabs to make a bridge. Once this is done, you will have to fight the gargoyle. It is recommended that you get on the right staircase, halfway up. Then, use the spell on the last stone and the door will open. Forbidden Forest spiders: ------------------------- The spiders in the forest act as follows: Tiny Black : Show you the path Big Green : Jumpers (jump, run away, and jump again) Big Red : Flingers (they spit) Big White : Flingers (spit paralyzing venom) Big Multicolor: Possible Jumper/Flinger mix. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Arsalaan khan There are some small fellows who like beans and live in small caves. Whenever you find mushrooms and them at the same time at the same place don't knock them off. Hide somewhere and look the dwarves. They will convert all the mushrooms into beans. Then you are free to collect all the beans. Ain't it fun. Hint: ----- Submitted by: jonh braithwaight On the third level try to get to the top of the enchanted stair case to find an amazing golden wizard card. Cheat: ------ Submitted by: Jana Go into your Harry-potter folder. You should find a file named "Game.ini" there. you open it and search the sentence "bDebugMode=False" and change it to "bDebugMode=True". attention: this sentence is depositing two times- so you must change it two times! Now start the game and press the button pick (remove). now you can use the direction-buttons and you can visit all the places! when you are at different places you must press the button again and you will appear at it!! Easy Duelling: -------------- Submitted by: vicster This hint will help you win the wizard duels easily. when you begin Duelling shoot a Rictesempra spell,the opponent will use expelliarmus to reflect it back. Now U use the same spell and reflect the rictusempra back again. Keep repeating this and at one point the opponent will allow the spell to hit him, when this spell hits him the effect will be more powerfull and it will take a huge chunk of your opponents health, Hint: ----- Submitted by: Jenno en Henrike Stuut Here is a (forgotten) place in the Spongify Challenge. After you hit the 2 spiders, difendo once, walk over close to the next and difendo the next. The floor will go up again and you will stay down. There you'll find a chest. I don't know what's in there, because I already collected all the cards. Please try and find. Hint: HERE'S HOW TO COLLECT ALL THE STUPID GOLD "COLLECTOR'S CARD": ------------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: vignesh vigneshwaran2007@gmail.com First of all you should enable debug mode, if you don't know how to, follow this(read carefully and everything): Debug Mode Cheat: ----------------- Open game.ini in the game's system folder with Notepad and find the following lines: [HGame.baseConsole] bDebugMode=False bUseSystemFonts=True To activate the debug mode change bDebugMode=False to bDebugMode=True. Once the debug code is activated, press one of the following keys during gameplay to activate the corresponding cheat function: [F4] - Select Level [Delete] - Ghost Mode Toggle (use arrow keys to move forward/back; mouse to steer) [Page Up] - Increase Game Speed [Page Down] - Decrease Game Speed [F9] - Get All Spells [F6] - Restore Health You can also set various things by pressing [~] during gameplay and typing the codes below to activate the cheat (press enter after each): Set Wiggenweld Potion Amount: set statusitemwiggenwell ncount 1-9999999 Set Jellybeans Amount: set statusitemjellybeans ncount 1-9999999 Set Gryffindor House Points: set statusitemgryffindorpts ncount 1-9999999 practice well the ghost mode if misdone sometimes you die At the end of the game, when you are asked to tie up all the loose ends, go and unlock the secret door if you have all 40 silver cards. if you haven't you must have atleast 20 cards in your hand if you played all the levels press ` and enter set statusitemjellybeans ncount 9999999 then search for stupids who trade silver cards for beans (i've found 2 of them) after you have all the cards unlock the secret door this is the gold card collecting challenge you should now practised the ghost mode, now is the perfect time for u when you see the first card don't move just fly to avoid dangers and press delete when you are safely above the card, then see the other one and use the cheat. don't ever try to move long way you'll waste the time you'll also collect the 11th stupid faced card, then stop using the cheat. you will be automatically taken outside. Be proud of yourself. (if you can't understand, email me but i check my gmail once in a while!!!) Enter Hagrid's hut: ------------------- Enable the "Toggle ghost mode" code. Go to Hagrid's hut. You can go below it and get inside his hut. See waiting characters: ----------------------- Enable the "Toggle ghost mode" code. You can go to a place where all the characters are in the part where you stand. For example, you are near the bonus bean room, go through the front doors. You will see characters just standing there in a line. If you are in the great hall at the place with the stairs, go to the hospital wing. Go to where the Spongyfy and go straight through the desk, You will see people standing in a line. You can find a lot of this rooms like the one outside. Go straight through the Diffindo sign until you see people. Meet Hagrid ----------- By: brizie brizie_mischivo@yahoo.com After you finish the first challenge (Rictusempra), before going to the bean bonus room, go out to the grounds and you can meet hagrid. Talk to him repeatedly for some funny conversations. Teleportation: -------------- Submitted by: Pratik Saha In my documents you will find the folder harry pottr II open it and click on the game.ini and search for "bDebugMode"and you will find somthing like this [HGame.HPConsole] bDebugMode =False RootWindow=UWindow.UWindowRootWindow turn the "False" into "True" Find aganin and turn all the "bDebugMode =False" into "bDebugMode =True" and During the game press "Delete" key and you become the third person viewer and with arrow keys and mouse go where ever you want and press "Delete" key again to teleport there. For Debug Mode: --------------- Submit by: Patrik Haha(Pratik Saha) After activating debug mode, enter these in by pressing |~| which brings up a menu Enter the following codes change the "*" with any number(set statusitemflobbermucus ncount 100) i) set statusitemflobbermucus ncount * (Give your wanting flobberworm mucus) ii) set statusitemwiggenbark ncount * (Give your wanting winggen tree bark) iii) set statusitemjellybean ncount * (Give your wanting beans) iv) set statusitemwiggenwell ncount * (Give your wanting wiggenwell portion) v) set statusitemgryffindorpts ncount *(You can use it with other houses and if you want to deduct points from that house make the number in - like(-100)) vi) quit/exit (Quits the game quickly) vi) giveallcards (Give all Silver, Gold, Bronze wizards card) vii)giveallspells (Learn all the spells) viii)ViewClass Pawn (See what oter Studenst seeing Randomly) See Title "Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets" ------------------------------------------------------ Be sure the debug mode is on. Press |F4| and a window will appear scroll down and double click on the wiriting "36.PrivetDr.unr". Press |Delete| and the ghost mode will on and by using the arrows and the mouse go up in the sky and you will see two wall texture and the title "Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets". Go to Harry's room -------------------- Be sure the debug mode is on. Press |F4| and a window will appear scroll down and double click on the wiriting "36.PrivetDr.unr". Press |Delete| and the ghost mode will on and by using the arrows and the mouse go up in the sky and you will see two wall texture and the title "Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets".Go down and you will see some houses and go to the very bright house and enter in it by the windows and press |Delete| again to off the Ghost mode (See the screenshots) Hagrid's Hut's Basement: ------------------------ Be sure the debug mode is on. Go to Hagrid's Hut and Press delete(be sure the debug mode is on) and by using the arrow keys and mouse go exact down of the Hut and you will find it. See names on Hogwarts Symbol: ============================= Be sure the debug mode is on. Go to grounds and and Press |Delete|(be sure the debug mode is on) and by using the arrow keys and mouse go close to the Hogwarts Symbol and you will see some names Draco, Dormiens, Nunquam, Titillandus See Ron and Hermione Faced to the wall: ======================================= Be sure the debug mode is on. If you have finished the game then Press |Delete| (be sure the debug mode is on) and by using the arrow keys and mouse go to the Great Hall and at the left side you will find them. See Ron and Hermione In Dumbledors office: ========================================== Be sure the debug mode is on.If you have finished the game then. Go to the entrance of the Dumbledor's office.Press |Delete|(be sure the debug mode is on) and by using the arrow keys and mouse enter the office and at the middle of the office you will find them. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Rajnish Vegda Hey! I have found the way to get all gold cards in this game. just turn on the console and be in ghost form(DEL) and just go in the golden card challange chamber! and when you collect one card again be in ghost form! Hints: ------ Submitted by: HARSHITH India,Karnataka, Mangalore 575004 anchithas.s70@gmail.com In harry potter and the chamber of secrets if u want bens in a easy manner without hard-working u can go to our griffindol common room and a portrait opens ur the door go inside and there will be a golden coloured chest box open it with alahamora spell, and a ben jumps out,.........then u leave the hogwarts on go outside or go to the shifting staircase room..then u come back to your common room,...i.e griffindol common room again the portrait open up and go in and open up chest box again and another bean pops out for ur surprise.......this cheat is my self experience and i have meade 21,000 beans with this hint. Gnome and Horklump Secret: -------------------------- This secret will only work if you are near a gnomehole and there is a patch of horklump mushrooms (those pesky mushrooms that release poisonous purple gas when you get close to them) nearby. Release the gnome from wherever it is. Then, let it run around until it finds the horklump mushrooms (or cast Filipendo on it and move it nearer to the mushrooms). The gnome will run around for a few seconds, then it will pick up a mushroom and eat it, leaving a few beans in it's place. Let the gnome eat all of the mushrooms, then cast Filipendo on it and throw it back into it's hole. The beans are now yours for the taking! Unlimited spoil for all rooms accessible in the Staircase Area: --------------------------------------------------------------- In the PC version, when you go into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom (the third floor in the moving staircase area) for the first time, cast Flipendo on the toilet nearest to you on the right as you enter the room with the toilets. To get to this, you must wait for the stall opposite of it to open, then jump onto the toilet and across the top of the stall and jump to the other side. Cast Flipendo on the toilet and a gnome will come out. Throw the gnome so it is between Harry and the toilet and cast Flipendo on the gnome. The spell should hit the toilet and another gnome should come out. Do this as many times as you can, throwing gnomes out of the stall as it gets crowded. Don't worry about beans, you can hit the gnomes with Flipendo to get them back. Once you have plenty of gnomes, put one gnome in each closed stall in the same position as before for unlimited everything else. The gnomes can also be positioned in various other places around the staircase area and the same trick can be used there, too, giving you unlimited rewards every time you put a gnome behind an object that yields a reward (even if you've already collected the reward before) via Flipendo. This is an easy way to obtain nearly unlimited health if you enough collect Wiggentree bark and Flobberworm mucus from the toilet glitch. Unlimited beans are also not hard to collect using this glitch. Note that the toilet glitch usually only works once, so get as many gnomes and other items from the toilets as you can the first time. Also note that if you throw the gnomes into a corner, they usually won't get back up so you can keep them there forever.