Half-Life 2 - The Orange Box Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: RM Start the game with the -console command line parameter. Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter sv_cheats 1 at the console to enable cheat modes. Then, enter one of the following codes. Result Code ------------------------------------------ God mode (Server only) - god No clipping mode - noclip All weapons - impulse 101 Enemies do not target you - notarget Map list - maps Cannot die due to damage - budda Damage player by indicated amount - hurtme [number] Spawn Jeep - impulse 82 Crosshairs on - hud_quickhelp/text? 1 Run script file - exec [filename] Developer mode - developer [0-2] Toggle HUD - cl_drawhud [0 or 1] Toggle HUD - cl_enablehud [0 or 1] Toggle framerate display - showfps Spawn NPC - npc_create_aimed Spawn NPC - npc_create Picker mode - picker Set gravity - sv_gravity [number] Set vertical view - sv_waterdist [number] Set air density - air_density [number] Set explosion length - dsp_explosion_effect_duration [number] Limit texture units - mat_numtexttureunits [number] Bounding box debug - prop_debug Set bounce multiplier - sv_bounce [number] Set minimum stopping speed - sv_stopspeed [number] Set pitch yaw - setang [number] Set friction - sv_friction [number] Set maximum velocity - sv_maxvelocity [number] Load indicated map map - [map name] Spawn indicated weapon or item give - [weapon or item name] Half-Life 2: Map names: Use one of the following entries with the map code. d1_canals_01 d1_canals_02 d1_canals_end d1_tempanals_02 d1_town_01 d1_town_02 d1_town_03 d1_town_04 d1_town_05 d1_trainstation_01 d1_trainstation_02 d1_trainstation_03 d1_trainstation_05 d1_under_01 d1_under_02 d1_under_03 d1_under_04 d2_coast_01 d2_coast_02 d2_coast_03 d2_coast_04 d2_coast_04_dx60 d2_coast_05 d2_coast_06 d2_coast_07 d2_coast_08 d2_prison_01 d2_prison_02 d2_prison_03 d2_prison_04 d2_prison_05 d3_c17_03 d3_c17_04 d3_c17_05 d3_c17_06a d3_c17_06b d3_c17_07 Half-Life 2: Weapon and item names: Use one of the following entries with the give code. weapon_alyxgun weapon_ar1 weapon_ar2 weapon_bugbait weapon_cguard weapon_crowbar weapon_extinguisher weapon_flaregun weapon_frag weapon_gauss weapon_hopwire weapon_iceaxe weapon_physcannon weapon_physgun weapon_pistol weapon_rpg weapon_shotgun weapon_smg1 weapon_smg2 weapon_stickylauncher weapon_stunstick weapon_thumper weapon_sniperrifle weapon_rollerwand weapon_molotov weapon_manhack weapon_immolator weapon_irifle weapon_slam weapon_hmg1 weapon_cubemap weapon_binoculars weapon_ml weapon_brickbat item_box_buckshot item_box_mrounds item_box_sniper_rounds item_box_srounds item_healthkit item_battery item_suit item_ml_grenade item_ar2_grenade item_healthvial Half-Life 2: Commane line parameters: ------------------------------------- Start the game with the following command line parameters to activate the function. Result Code ------------------------------------- Set width and height of window -width [number] -height [number] Full screen mode -fullscreen Set heap size -heapsize [number] Unknown -r_anamorphic 0 Unknown -netgraph 3 Unknown -mat_preloadshaders Unknown -preload Unknown -dx9 Unknown -dxlevel 90 Unknown -mouselook Unknown -dx8 Unknown -sw Unknown -condebug Unknown -startwindowed Unknown -window Unknown -windowed Portal: Cheat mode: ------------------- Enter the options menu, select "Controls", then "Advanced". Turn on the option for the console. Then press ~ during game play to display the console window. Type sv_cheats 1 to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the cheat function. Result Code ---------------------------------------------------- Allow separate sets of portals to be created - change_portalgun_linkage_id [0-3] Spawn Weighted Storage Cube - ent_create_portal_weight_box Fire an energy ball - fire_energy_ball Portal placement cannot be bumped - sv_portal_placement_never_bump 1 Portals can be placed on almost any surface - sv_portal_placement_never_fail 1 Allow use of second portal placement - upgrade_portalgunThe Orange Box Cheats Hidden Left 4 Dead trailer: --------------------------- Remain idle at the game selection screen. After a few minutes, a demo video of one of the games will begin. After the video ends, wait for the next video to begin, which will be a Left 4 Dead trailer. New Portal Start Screen: ------------------------ When you beat Portal, you will get a new title screen for the game, consisting of a birthday cake sitting atop a table.