Habbo Hotel Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: johnny E-mail: neilson268478@hotmail.com View room connection: --------------------- Type :performance to see how heavy is current room connection is. A value of 1000 is just right. View occupants of room: ----------------------- Type :chooser to see who is in the current room. Note: You must be in Habbo Club to use this. Hold [Shift] and click on a room to see who is in there. Note: This can only be done in public rooms. View furni list: ---------------- Type :furni to see a list of furni in the room. Quick move furni: ----------------- Hold [Alt] and click on a piece of furni to move it quickly. Chooser for non hc: ------------------- Click on a person's speech bubble to select them. www.habbohotel.com: ------------------- ok this is an internet game played with credits. I have found a way to get credits with out paying for them- there very cheap in canada or usa- ok all you gotta go is go to the title screen after you logged in then open your purse press F5 or you can prefor this same action be holding ctrl+alt+e Easy Money (aussie): -------------------- This for the aussies only sorry. Anyway i found this out because they told me this is how bamaloo and all those cool dudes get it. Because its what they use it obvioulsy doesnt cost nything on ur phone bill it will show 'Habbo Hotel, Cost:$0.00' anyway call their number wich is 1900 942 226 then when the nice lady asks for the code write 01086425 this cheat works with a double affect if you have the same phone type as ur internet becaus eur phone connects with ur computer and when u call it while ur typing the code it searchs for habbo hotel and gives you credz! Extra Screens: -------------- Press Ctrl+N while playing to open a new window. You can then play with more then one habbo at a time but you cannot play the same habbo on both screens. Unlimited Credits: ------------------ Ring up 1900 942 226 it will ask for a special code or Habbo id enter this Number: 02136805 then wait until they accept. when you hang up you will get a picture in your purse of 1 giant credit, if you dont get it within 20 minutes try again, Enjoy your Credits. P.S. they special code is sulakes ip number they use for mods to get unlimited credits. Hints: ------ Submitted by: vinny SORRY this is not a cheat but i am agianst scamers for habbo hotel why because ive been scammed well any way if a scamer tells u to press f4 or f5 that just refreshes the page and most scamers cant spell correct i am sorry i have looked every where and THERE ARE NO CHEATS FOR HABBO HOTEL THAT ARENT SCAMES like if some one skes for your screen name and password they will steal your furni and credits and thats what they did to me. Hint: ----- Submitted by: josh Cheat 1. i have found a way to flood u may see people type somthing and go an go go go and all that i no u type wat you wont to say highlight it press ctrl and c and repeatedly press ctrl and v. i no a way if u go in a room u can pick furni up but u have to not have rites :D add ma habbo name x!!josh!!x for it i need your habbo name and password i telled it to matrix300 and kurt1. if u have more cheats plz tell me i send this on 05/03/04 Free credits ------------ Call the Habbo credits line and type in one of the following codes: 10012420, 10308460, or 10280496. The reason you get free credits is because these are the numbers that Jibbi uses to pay the Hobba's. It says that you have paid, but really you have not. The only catch is that you might have to try each code because sometimes your Habbo wont work with one of the codes do to the fact that it is a very new or very old. This is an excellent way of starting off with a lot of credits when you first start. Call the Habbo credits line and enter the code 01767357. This just tells the Habbo line that its a valid number so that you get your credits, when in fact the number is invalid. By doing this, you will get 10 free credits. If it does not work the first time you may have to call a second time so that Habbo's filters will not catch it. Call the Habbo credits line and enter the code 09999037 or 11279587. This just tells the Habbo line that its a valid number so that you get your credits, when in fact the number is invalid. By doing this, you will get 10 free credits. If it does not work the first time you may have to call a second time so that Habbo's filters will not catch it. Help: ----- Do not try the special codes given to you from here they are probably just the people who are posting the cheat's code so you would probably be paying £3 for them to gain 35 credz. Also the Ctrl + N thing will not work with the new way habbo works. How to get a dance floor: ------------------------- Search "mike" on your habbo finder. This player is a computer. 1) Ask him to become your friend 2) When he accepts message to him saying "come to my room!" and he will reply "coming my dear". 3) When he goes to your room go gift him any present, any furniture. He'll reply "thank you dear" and then he'll drop down a BIG dance floor in your room. And there you go! Easy as eating a cake! Hope you enjoy your dance floor! How to get so much Furniture on Canada: --------------------------------------- This guide only works on Habbo Canada sorry. Follow the following procedures: 1) Log onto your habbo account. 2) Go on the hotel and search "TnguyenV" 3) Go to his "Falling Furniture" room. (His games are the easiest to win! I've won like 3 HC TV's) 4) Try your best to win.(It's very easy) If you win I'll bet you he'll atleast give you like 1 HC TV or a TUBMASTER! Unlimited Coins: ---------------- Ok, Call 1-900-226-4990 and when Prompted enter The following Code: 12509743 And then Keep doing this in about a few minutes you shall recieve your coins. Unlimited Credits: ------------------ Ring up 1900 942 226 it will ask for a special code or Habbo id enter this Number:02136805 then wait until they accept. when you hang up you will get a picture in your purse of 1 giant credit, if you dont get it within 20 minutes try again, Enjoy your Credits. P.S. they special code is sulakes ip number they use for mods to get unlimited credits How to get 5000 Credits in 5 Minutes! ------------------------------------- This cheat will work on any Habbo server, follow the following procedures to get your Coins. 1) Call this number threw your home phone: 1-900-677-4111 and wait till the lady tells you to enter the code. 2) When she tells you to enter the code enter this: 3647070 and wait for a couple of minutes and make the smart decision if she asks you anything! 3) Wait until you hear a "CHOU CHING!" sound. Wait ten seconds and log into your habbo account and then open your habbo purse and click the vouchers and enter 3647070 for your credits. WARNING: DO NOT BE TRICKED WHEN THE LADY SAYS THIS CALL WILL BE CHARGED TO YOUR BILL! THE CODE IS A MODERATORS SECRET NUMBER TO GET FREE CREDITS! THE LADY TRYS TO TRICK THE PEOPLE WHO FOUND OUT THE CODE! So don't be tricked! Free credits and stuff: ----------------------- This is some information for all of you who read this. There ain't free credits or free stuff on Habbo hotel. the last ''cheats'' are just from people who wanna get more cre or stuff payed by you. The codes are their owns and the ''robot'' account are there real accounts. So don't call any number or give any stuff to them Their just scammers. How to get *FREE* Habbo Club: ---------------------------- This cheat only works on Canada. Sorry. Follow the following procedures: 1) Search " Melenia142" on your habbo finder. (Melenia142 is a computer generated bot) 2) Add him as friend, then message him "come to my room!" Then he'll be at your room in seconds. 3) Then give him ANY kind of furniture that you have. 4) Next thing you know, he says "wow thank you so much!" and then he says "i must repay you!" Then in minutes, next thing you know.....YOUR AN HABBO CLUB MEMBER---You can only do this cheat 1 TIME! ENJOY YOUR HC! Keeping your furni secure: -------------------------- Now here is a little tip. My m8 goes on habbo hotel and he has furniture but you see what he does is he has 2 acounts and he keeps half the furni on his other account so this way if one of the habbos gets hacked he will not lose all his furniture. Symbol List: ------------ ALT+0134 = Bomb ALT+0135 = Stop sign ALT+0145 = Black padlock ALT+0151 = Double musical notes ALT+0153 = ? symbol ALT+0166 = white Skull ALT+0169 = © symbol ALT+0174 = ® symbol ALT+0204 = White padlock ALT+0213 = Diamond ALT+0216 = Dashed ALT+0245 = Spade ALT+124 = White heart ALT+130 = Dashed ALT+141 = Spiral ALT+156 = Pound ALT+157 = White star ALT+159 = Black heart ALT+161 = Single musical note ALT+167 = Lighting bolt ALT+168 = ¡ symbol ALT+169 = fish ALT+173 = ¿ symbol ALT+175 = Club ALT+21 = Peculiar ALT+230 = Coffee cup ALT+241 = Mobile/cell phone ALT+246 = Thumbs down ALT+248 = ° symbol ALT+249 = Thumbs up ALT+271 = Euro sign ALT+276 = Light bulb ALT+422 = Skull ALT+424 = Upside down ALT+667 = Cent symbol ALT0176 = Superscript Shift + = Heart Free creds 210: --------------- Ok al u have to do is dial 0900-659-821 and a nice voice will answer then u type the code 0367891 and you'll have 210 FREE credits in your purse! 80 Free Credits: ---------------- At first, I thought this was a scam, but when I tried it, it was fantastic!!! All you have to do is call the Habbo U.K credits umber: 09056 575575 and a friendly womans voice will speak. She will ask you for a code, put in 16329829 and the cost of call will be deactivated. Next the voice will tell you some Habbo Hotel tips. Once you here a cha-ching, the woman will ask for another code, put in your Habbo purse ID Number. There will be another cha-ching and you will get 80 coins. If it does not work first time, then try again. Some phone lines are different to others, so if there is only one cha-ching, then try again, but after the first cha-ching press 0. This time I'm certain she will ask for second code, and you get 80 credits. It can be reputed as many times as liked! Duplicator: ----------- Search pythology=snake and for him then search and drop 1 rare in his room seand a message "duplicate" he will say "have your droped" reply "yes" then the next day look in your room and your will have 4 rares and trust me i did it and it is crazy it accualy works happy habboing and being rich. 45 creds FREE when u ring each time: ------------------------------------ I no everyone says that you should ring up and there free blah blah and im not saying dont believe them but my dad works for habbo hotel ( hes like one down fromt he actual owner ) and he told me how to get free creds, (he wouldnt let me buy them b4 he worked for them cos it costs:) but now i can get as many as i wont cos there free. you dont have to do this cheat if you dont want but i would and i know loads of people who have done it ( if u wanna double check ill give you there names and you can ask them yourself) - all you have to do is ring up habbo UK on a landline/home phone - the number is 0900-900-9100 - then they ask yo for a credits code, now this bits important this is what makes ut free! - you put in: 1944-9955 Another cheat code: ------------------- I found it i finally found it all you have to do is call the number 1-900-528-4226 then when the lady asks you for a code type in the code (on your phone) 03833493 keep trying untill it works it takes about 10 minutes to work and it only works 3 times a day if it doesnt work it may be a glitch keepp trying everyday. Talk Wave and Dance Faster: --------------------------- Wat u need: 2 rollers, shelf, corner or sumthin u can put a chair on (1 square only) and a chair now get the rollers facin eachother like >>>|<< and roller B is facin A. Free coins: ----------- Just search Jmtchamp2 and drop 1 furni in his room. He is an ex habbo moderator and wants to get back at them. He is here to help you, not Habbo staff. If you drop just one funri there, he can get the exact value of it and duplicate it and the coins will be automaticallty sent to your purse. Easter Egg - Admin's Habbo Credits Supply Code: ----------------------------------------------- When an administrator of habbo ever want's his/her supply of habbo credits, such as Loderse, she will call the habbo credits line USA. REMEMBER: You must do this cheat 5 times. T he credits line number is: 1-900-226-4990. When the lady wants you to enter a code, enter: 17823372 (The admin code) She will say you will be charged. This is not true. The programmers just didn't make a message saying, "Thank you admin!". They just left it the same. Your credits will arrive in about 15 seconds after the 5th call (with DSL). You will get 50 credits placed in your purse. Free coins: ----------- Dial: 1-900-226-4990 and when they say to dial 19075487 and you can get up to 1000 credits a day. I use it and I have like 100 thrones and everything!! I promise you this works how do you think all those people are so rich?? Well thats just about it, but one thing!! If you dial once you get 100 credits next time you login, if you dial twice 200, three times 300, 4 times 400, 5 times 500, and so on.. I recommend at least dialing it five times.. This is what the experts and us old hobbas use to use to get coins cause we didn't have the command. Free 200 Credits: ----------------- Ring 1900 942 226 on your home phone (australia) and a friendly voice will guide you through the process. Enter the code: 03024511 and Your Credits will appear in your Habbo Purse a few minutes after you hang up. Moderator Code-Get Free Credits: -------------------------------- 1.You enter this number: 0906 900 9100 2.When asked enter one of the codes below. 3.Wait for about 5 mins then it should be ready. Code Effect -------------------------------------- 20746108 - Instant 45 Credits 21017966 - Intant Hc Membership (Each call is one month) 100 credits: ------------ Submitted by: jackh Well wen i heard the reports about habbo por people i felt very sad so i came with an idea to get 100credz bt it will only owrk the 1st time lost listen carully. u will type the normal habbo credit line, then u will type this code 20801349 then u will instantly hear a caching noise and you will get 100 credz . but please refresh th pagewen u here kaching or it will b in you percebut wont see it. please do not think its a scam even do it you choise to choose. u can either not do or do it. your choise. Hint: ----- Submitted by: jackh Just letting you know you will never get ANY free credits from ringing numbers. the only way its possible is if they give you a valid voucher code. or they drop or trade you. Habbo Credit Glitch - 45 Credits: --------------------------------- Follow these steps carefully. 1. Call the habbo credit line 0906 900 9100 adding the hash key ( # ) at the end of the number. You will hear a funny noise before the habbo answer machine answers the call. ( Your phone must be connected to your dail up or broadband, and you must be on habbo aswell. 2. Just before Bob asks for your credit code press hash ( # ) again, exactly when he says the word "Purse", you will hear silence for 2 seconds and Bob will call you again, this time the code your about to enter is in word text so look next to your numbers on your phone and you will see letters Abc etc. The code word is HWASOHUT, Don't know how to do it? Well when using different broadband or dialup e.g BT or SKY the code word will give you a different code number. Heres a list of a few broadband and dailup companies that when you type in the code word these will be the numbers you will get. If your using BT Broadband or dialup the code is: 19276188 If your using SKY Broadband or dialup the code is: 19276153 If your using VIRGIN Broadband or dialup the code is: 21742482 If your using O2 Broadband or dialup the code is: 19276188 If your using AOL Broadband or dialup the code is: 19276153 If your using TALKTALK or TISCALI or TOUCAN the code is: 21742482 If your broadband provider isn't here then your going to have to type in the word code on your phone to get your number code. How to get so much Furniture: ----------------------------- This guide only works on Habbo Canada. Follow the following procedures: 1) Log onto your habbo account. 2) Go on the hotel and search "TnguyenV" 3) Go to his "Falling Furniture" room. (His games are the easiest to win! 4) Try your best to win.(It's very easy) If you win I'll bet you he'll atleast give you like 1 HC TV or a TUBMASTER! 5,000 credits and free hc: -------------------------- now call-1-900-226-4990 and wen done ringing enter the mod code below then after ull hear some1 ask you for ur id number to send the 5,000 coins and hc to. Code Effect ------------------ 15369127 - free 5,000 credits and hc Credit cheats: -------------- 1. Call 09 0690 09 100 2. Listen to Bob and friends talk for a bit then they will ask you for a number enter the following. 21 863 250. Habbo Hotel UK Version: ----------------------- Submitted by: Cheatsbook All you have to do is phone the normal house phone credit line on:0906 900 9100 then enter this admin code: 16858484 this will allow you to get more credits then normal user and every time you enter it doubles this is because the i.p rate goes up wich then adds 100 credits every time also this glich has not been found as it has been a cheat from the day habbo was made enjoy being the richest person on habbo. Secret - 15 free coinz: ----------------------- O.k you call 1-900-528-6005 and enter the code 12649174 you call 2 times and you get 10 extra credits then you call again and you get 25 extra credits plus hc i hacked the main server and found this out. Habbo Hotel UK Version: Lastest Way To Get Free Habbo Creds: ------------------------------------------------------------ First you call 0906 900 9100 Then You Enter 15596096 Then you will hear a Ching sound After that Stay on the phone for 2 mins.Then You Go to the place wear it tells you to get creds the you enter that code in the purse {You have to do this after 5 mins After youve hung up. Item duplicator: ---------------- First go in the room by searching gippy123. put 1 furni in the room then when u do dat to activate the glitch u need to do a cheat press-f12 and f2 at the same time then habbo devil will pop-up then what will hapen is tons of codes will fill them selves in then wen there done press upload then in big numbers it will pop up 5...4...3...2...1... then ur hand will open ull have the latest rare and 2 of the furni u put in then ur purse will open and ull have the amount u would pay for the furni and double it. Duplicator: ----------- You Search Biggmann2 then go in room, you'll have rites so take 1 rare or 2 norms and drop it. Then press F5 and F10 at the same time.Then open hand and 3 minutes later. You'll get 10 rares in room, and 50 coins in purse, and you can do it over and over again. 100 free credz: --------------- Do you use Habbo.ca? 1. Call the number 1-900-677-4111 2. You will hear a voice, immediately press 1 when you hear the voice talking or else this cheat will not work. This is the glitch. 3. Now another voice will say enter in your Habbo Credits code; enter 22175167. This is another glitched code. 4. You will get 100 Habbo creidts added to your purse immediately. Do it over and over to get more! So, if you're tired of being poor and if your tired of begging, this will help you! View Occupants of Room: ----------------------- Type :chooser to see who is in the current room. Note: You must be in Habbo Club to use this. Hold [Shift] and click on a room to see who is in there. Note: This can only be done in public rooms. 250 coins: ---------- It is easy,As title says,this has been confirmed by the Habbo Staff,go to Osiris771's room, he is a old staff member,leave a furni on his house(he must NOT be online)And when he recieves it,he will check who send it(staff can do all,you know?)and they will give you 250 coins, If it is a rare,then you will get 2500! Free Habbo UK Coins 20 - 45: ---------------------------- How to get free credits for the price of a phone call, normally 50p from a bt landline other networks and mobiles may vary. Ok, so heres what i did. I Used to play Habbo US alot and there was a cheat code for coins which a moderator told evryone about, the moderator got his mod privliages took away from him for this but i private messaged him and asked if there was any other way to get credits. He said no but he knew a way on Habbo UK, I Asked him if he would tell me and he did. He said that i had to Ring 0906 900 9100 and type in 20805516 on my telephone keypad when asked. I Did so and got 32 credits. I did it another time and i got 40, and so on. The highest amount of credits i have got from this is 45 and the lowest 20. So thats all i had to do. A word of warning dont overuse the contact number, use 10 times a day max. Oh And the best thing about it is that it did not show up on my mums fone bill as habbo uk but it did show up in the 'Extra Charges Collumn' as Unknown Number. Duplicate Furni: ---------------- You search the name iluvcd then you drop a furni into the room and press f12 and f2 at the same time then you go back to your room and your furniwill be there tripled the amount as usual it really works you should try it you can do it as many times as you want. Duplicator trick (UK): ---------------------- In habbo uk search the rooms put in spider-man360 and simply go to the first 1 at the top then simply place any amount of creds you want in the room [spider-man360s room] and leave your habbo account name on the stickey.then the next day ill read the stickey and give you double the ammount of creds you leave in the room. How to get free coins: ---------------------- This is the only phone number i know that works. First Call:1-900-528-4226 Then a girl will ask u for a code then put in 114310287. It might not work so im warning u. I had to do it 2 to work. Free creds: ----------- Phone the number 0906 900 9100 when they ask for type in 22865421. This code is universal shortly after they will ring you back and ask you for your account name tell them this and they wil hang up then log on and you will 45 creds. Free: ----- Follow thesee instructions and BAM u got yourself some FREE 45 CREDS and this cheat can be used over and over again. 1. call 0906 900 9100 2. when it tells u to enter this code: 22907055 3. wait and then in around 10minutes u will receive 45 creds in your habbo purse. Secret - coins or furniture: ---------------------------- Submitted by: Cheatinfo There are no easy ways to get coins or furniture. i was scammed out of my coins and what little furniture i was able to buy and a few coins that i saved up to buy for a long time. you see i lost my legs in an accident and live on a fixed income with my mom so we dont live fancy but she saved enough so i could have a little entertainment inside on my computer and i though everyone was honest so i beleived this girl when she said sh would help me get furniture, all i had to do was give her my pass. Well i did the next thing i know my furniture and coins were gone that is just not right so dont trust anyone. No Scam Furni Multiplier: ------------------------- Finally, after searching for a long time I found a Furni Multiplier that actually works. Just search !!Furni Multiplier!! exactly and drop whatever you want to multiply. Normal furni is x2 Rare furni is x3. Duplicate furni flitch: ----------------------- (Australian only) 1-Search the name ...ButterScotch. 2-Go to the second room u see. 3-Put down some credz or furni. 4-A small window will pop up saying will u like to duplicate all the furni in this room. 5-Click yes. 6-Log out of your account. 7-Wait 2 mins for all the furni to duplicate. 8-Log back. 9-Open your hand and you should have all that furni. Make sure not to move any furni or ""ButterScotch" will lock the room. The real way to get free credits on Habbo Hotel UK: --------------------------------------------------- There is only 1 habbo phone number and that is 1570 77 8000. That is the official number and here is the official code that when you become a moderator 22897488. How to get more furni or get it duplicated: ------------------------------------------- Submitted by: maddie [Email: maddie1021(at)live.com] This cool rich norm girl has TONS of furni and i will tell you how to get some from her first get on ur habbo. After that go to her room called cheater-roo and drop 1 furni of any kind except skull rugs she wont give u any furni then say ur username say wat u want or say i want this duplicated get off ur account for 1 hour and u should have 2rares or 5 of wat u wanted duplicated. Free heavyduty fireplace: ------------------------- Submitted by: feryl Ok u wont a heavyduty fireplace dont u? Only works on Habbo U.S.A. First look up You2jerico. Then add him as a fried. He is a robot. Drop 5 norms are 1 rare. Then wait 24 hours. When 24 hours is up ull have a heavyduty fire place! And if its 7 funi are 2 rares you will also get 10 coins, but u can only o it once. In 2009 this will be shutdown because of people making new account and droping there funi and droping the heavyduty firse place. I got got to say which room to drop it in. Ok he has many rooms saying nothing in it those are locked because e wasnt a robot at first and hid his stuff in them. He has a room called my house its password locked dont mind it. Habbo Hotel UK Phone Code Cheat: -------------------------------- There is two numbers that you can use, both of them work but both give you a different amount of credits. For sixty credits ring 09069 009 100 or for twenty credits ring 0905 657 5575 When asked to enter a code, type in 262 429 56 which is the special habbo glitch code. This special code gives you a little extra than the average amount of a credits. Voucher Cheat: -------------- First u enter this code then wait after 10 minutes and ur credit has been sent. Code Effect ------------------------- AG45BFYT67 - 100 CREDITS K98HN34Y64 - 200 CREDITS LK810THNO7 - 300 CREDITS PO26C7IK60 - 400 CREDITS KJ1HG32398 - 500 CREDITS XZU67NH9GE - 600 CREDITS HS238CHV35 - 7OO CREDITS IDK123GB678 - 1000 CREDITS