Gruntz Cheatmode: ---------- Press [ENTER] during game play, type one of the following codes, then press [ENTER] again to activate it. Result Code ---------------------------------------- Level skip mpstepitup Previous level mpstepitdown Questz Level 3 mpriorio Questz Level 4 mplemonbuttercremez Questz Level 5 mpyouresomoney Questz Level 6 mpmakemesomepie Questz Level 7 mpgolfandgamez Questz Level 8 mpusetheforce Bombz mpkamikaze Boomerang mpremotecontrol Brick Layin Toolz mphomeimprovement Clubz mpungabunga Explosionz mpletsblowstuffup Gauntletz mpbrassknucklez Glovez mppunchout Gooberz mprealmendontusestrawz Gravity mphitopz Gunhatz mphardhatmack Rockz mprockon Sponge Gunz mpfirepower Shield mptrojan Shovelz mpfuninthebarn Spyz mpxfilez Swordz mparrrrrrr Toobz mpquackage Wandz mpcopperfield Welderz mpvasflam Wingz mpfearofflying Babywalkerz mpgerber Beachballz mptheball Big Wheelz mpwheeliez Gokartz mpmalibugrandprix Jack in the Box mpultimatecheeseburger Jumprope mpgetinshape Pogostickz mpboingee Scrollz mpmagicpaper Springz mpkinetic Squeaktoyz mpmousey Yoyoz mplametoy Toyz mpfaoschwartz Timebombz mpplastiquez Ballz mpindianajonez Timer mptimer Bomb stone mpblackbrick Unbreakable stone mpgoldbrick Gauntlet breaker brick mpredbrick Teleport stone mpbluebrick Deathtouch mpohmygodtheykilledkenny Ghost mode mpcloakingdevice Invincibility mphighlander Kill Gruntz mpbillgatez Roidz mpcreatine Current Gruntz is faster mpmeepmeep Change colors mppicasso Earthquake mpseizure Turn off light briefly mplightzout Mini camera mpclostrophobia Health mptacobell Rebirth mpback2life Teleport mpelephantpork Grunt creation enabled mpilovethisgame Grunt destruction enabled mpihatethisgame Traitor mode enabled mptraitor Freeze all Gruntz in the area mpchillout Give selected Grunt reactive armor mpplusfivemagicalplate Programmer jokes mpcheatcheatcheat Hints: ------ Run through the training levels to figure out all of the Gruntz's capabilities. Time is always of the essence; try to achieve your objectives quickly. Breaking rocks will uncover secrets and power-ups. Fighting enemies isn't always the best course of action; creativity is rewarded in this game.