Greg Norman Ultimate Challenge Golf

Greg Norman Ultimate Challenge Golf

Cheat Codes:
Blowing huge leads at the Master's is best avoided by playing
this game and having horrible days on the fairways. With that
as a given, here are some practical tips for keeping your s
core down while playing the software game:

1. Change the type of ball you use between holes. 
   A solid ball can give you more distance at warmer 

2. Set up your shot the same way each time. 
   Make it a routine so you don't forget any 
   part of the shot.

3. When playing an uphill shot, aim a little 
   against your natural draw.

4. When playing a downhill shot, aim a little 
   against your natural fade.

5. To clear a tree, hit high and hard with as 
   little club as possible.

6. Push your putts to ensure they aren't left short.

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