Grand Theft Auto 4 - The Ballad of Gay Tony Cheats: ------- Submitted by: David K. Dial these codes into your cell phone during game play. Effect Code ------------------------------------------------ Akuma (Bike) 625-555-0200 APC(Tank) 272-555-8265 Buzzard(Helicopter) 359-555-2899 Change Weather 468-555-0100 Floater(Boat) 938-555-0150 Health & Armour 362-555-0100 Health, Armor and Advanced Weapons 482-555-0100 Parachute 359-555-7272 Raise Wanted Level 267-555-0150 Remove Wanted Level 267-555-0150 Sniper rifle bullets explode 486-555-2526 Spawn Annihilator 359-555-0100 Spawn Bullet GT 227-555-9666 Spawn Cognoscenti 227-555-0142 Spawn Comet 227-555-0175 Spawn Jetmax 938-555-0100 Spawn NRG-900 625-555-0100 Spawn Sanchez 625-555-0150 Spawn Super GT 227-555-0168 Spawn Turismo 227-555-0147 Spawns a FIB Buffalo 227-555-0100 Super Punch (exploding punches) 276-555-2666 Vader(Bike) 625-555-3273 Weapons (New & advanced) 486-555-0100 Weapons (Poor) 486-555-0150 Spawn Buffalo 227-555-0110 Spawn Serrano 227-555-0107 Achievements: ------------- Complete each achievement to receive the allotted gamerscore. Unlockable How to Unlock ------------------------------------------------- Adrenaline Junkie (25) - Freefall for the longest possible time. Bear Fight (15) - Win the L.C. Cage Fighters championship. Catch the Bus (15) - Dance perfectly in both Tony's nightclubs. Diamonds Forever (5) - Complete the Trinity. Four Play (10) - Hit a flag with a golf ball four times. Gold Star (80) - Score 100% in all missions. Gone Down (5) - Complete all base jumps. Maestro (30) - Finish the Ballad. Past the Velvet Rope (45) - Score 80% or above in all missions. Snow Queen (20) - Complete 25 drug wars. Unlockable: No Ammo Cap in The Ballad of Gay Tony: -------------------------------------------------- Beat the game with 100% completion to unlock an infinite ammo cap. Unlockable: NOOSE APC in The Ballad of Gay Tony: ------------------------------------------------ Kill 50 seagulls to unlock the Noose APC at the construction site. Easy Health and Armor Boost in The Ballad of Gay Tony: ------------------------------------------------------ Once you have unlocked base jump challenges in TBoGT you can start a base jump challenge to refill your health! Go back and do it again and you'll have full armor. Unlockable: The Ballad of Gay Tony Safehouse Items: --------------------------------------------------- Peform the actions below to unlock the following safehouse items: Parachute - Complete all 20 base jumps .44 - Complete 10 gang wars Advanced MG - Complete 20 gang wars Explosive Shotgun - Complete 30 gang wars Gold SMG - Complete 50 gang wars Sticky Bombs - Complete 40 gang wars The Ballad of Gay Tony Weapon Pack: ----------------------------------- Call 486-555-0100 for the following weapons: * Knife * Advanced Pistol * Explosion-Pellet Shotgun * Silenced P90 * LMG * Advanced Sniper * Grenade Launcher * Sticky Bombs Submitted by: Kamaljeet Sarkar Easy Money: ----------- Submitted by: Kamaljeet Sarkar Near your apartment there is a internet cafe.you can go into it and steal money from its cash register and quickly return to your apartment and save the game to lose the police.do it until you are a rich man...enjoy. Amazzzzing reverse in any vehicle: ---------------------------------- Submitted by: Sudhanshu Warfighter Email : sudhanshukr98@gmail.com While on any vehicle, drive at a distance and Hold 'R' button. You will see that vehicle will be moving baclwards verrry fast. If back of car is vertical, then it can fly like a rocket. Try this trick and avoid collisions.