Flatspace 2 - Rise Of The Scarrid Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by. RM When creating a commander in v1.04 or newer, enter one of the following names to activate the cheat function. Result Code --------------------------------------- You are now invincible - God Mode All items equally for sale - Sell All Items All Sectors anarchic - Anarchy All weapons cause double damage - Double Damage Full galactic map - Reveal Map No guild restrictions - No Guild System +$1 billion - Billionaire +$1 million - Millionaire No missiles or counter-measures - No Missiles No shields or armor - No Shields "Welcome back commander" - Jameson Tips and Tricks: ---------------- - As a Police Officer, start getting money by killing wanted criminals with death bounty on them. Get some money and buy a Stun Gun, so you can stun their ships and capture them (Use the radio, then 2 and 3). Target the life pod and hold the middle mouse button, then deliver em at a Police Station. Do that and start searching for top ranked criminals. Don't forget to buy a Radar and a Scanner with hyperspace tracking. - Buy at least an armour which gives you 30~40 per ton and try to let at least 2 ton free for a shield (WarHawk Shield, something like that), if you can afford the space. - When you change your ship, I advice you to buy a countermeasure (Razor Flare Launcher) and the Razor Flare Boxes for it, since the missiles will follow you until it hits or you use the Hyperdrive. - A good tactic against missiles is 'slooping' your target, attacking it from behind. When it launches missiles, try to keep behind the enemy ship, and when the missile is almost hitting you, turn right or left (depending where the missile is located). This will make the missile hit the enemy ship, damaging it severely, since it's from behind.