Flash Back Cheat Codes: ------------ Here are the level codes: JAGUAR, BANTHA, TOHOLD, COMBEL, SHIVA, PICOLO, ANTIC, KASYYK, FUGU, NOLAN, SARLAC, CAPSUL, ARTHUR, MAENOC, ZZZAP, SHIRYU, SULUST, MANIAC, RENDER, NEPTUN, NO WAY, BELUGA Some say the password PIXEL kills guards .... There's also a handy bug in it: Walk as close as possible to a wall, or a closed door you want to go through. Turn back, start running away and immediatly, turn back while running, towards the wall. If you release the [Shift] fast enough after starting to run, you go thru the wall. You will have to play around with that [Shift] key a bit to get the hang of it.