F-22 Lightning 2 Invincibility/ God Mode ----------------------- While playing, press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Home. A small green X will appear in the lower left-hand corner if you did it right. Reload Ammo and Fuel -------------------- To reload your ammo and fuel, press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Insert.(non-keypad) simultaneously (in foreign language versions of F-22 Lightning II, press Ctrl, Alt, Shift and F2). Stay off Enemy Radar -------------------- To avoid the enemy's radar, fly below 500 feet or above 50,000 feet. Cow Killer ---------- Pick the mission 7 on campaign #4. When you take off make a heading for 212 degrees (you can read the degree heading by looking on the top of the HUD). Switch your weapon to the JDAM and make sure you are going in the general area of 212 degrees and repeatedly tap tab for radar id you will get lock on a cow called Unidentified Norman 4,3,2,or1, you can get lock on it with your bombs and blow those cows away