Enemy Territory - Quake Wars Cheat Codes: ----------- Submitted by: Arindam sarkar Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+ ~ during game play in single player mode to display the console window. Type "net_allowcheats 1" to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following cheats. Code Result --------------------------------------- net_allowcheats 1 - activate cheats god - infinite health, you have to type this everytime you respawn, re-enter to disable give ammo - gives ammo, not infinite and don't work all the time noclip - makes you go through walls, re-enter to disable g_maxproficiency 1 - promotes you to maximum rank and unlocks everything, enter g_maxproficiency 0 to disable pm_thirdperson 1 - third person view, enter pm_thirdperson 0 to disable give health - Additional health spawn_vehicle [name] - Spawn indicated vehicle spawn_deployable [name] - Spawn deployable unit There are other cheats but these are the only ones I can think of at the moment. If your computer is fast and you're frustrated with the locked 30 FPS, bring down your console with ctrl + alt + ~ and type the following: com_unlockFPS 1 com_unlock_timingMethod 2 com_unlock_maxFPS [any multiple of 30] Achievements List: ------------------ Total number of Single Player Achievements: 29 Total number of Multiplayer Achievements: 21 Total Points: 1000 North America (Easy) Reward: 10 Points Objective: Complete the North American Campaign Easy Difficulty. North America (Medium) Reward: 20 Points Objective: Complete the North American Campaign Medium Difficulty. North America (Hard) Reward: 30 Points Objective: Complete the North American Campaign Hard Difficulty. Northern Europe (Easy) Reward: 10 Points Objective: Complete the Northern Europe Campaign Easy Difficulty. Northern Europe (Medium) Reward: 20 Points Objective: Complete the Northern Europe Campaign Medium Difficulty. Northern Europe (Hard) Reward: 30 Points Objective: Complete the Northern Europe Campaign Hard Difficulty. Africa (Easy) Reward: 10 Points Objective: Complete the Africa Campaign Easy Difficulty. Africa (Medium) Reward: 20 Points Objective: Complete the Africa Campaign Medium Difficulty. Africa (Hard) Reward: 30 Points Objective: Complete the Africa Campaign Hard Difficulty. Pacific (Easy) Reward: 10 Points Objective: Complete the Pacific Campaign Easy Difficulty. Pacific (Medium) Reward: 20 Points Objective: Complete the Pacific Campaign Medium Difficulty. Pacific (Hard) Reward: 30 Points Objective: Complete the Pacific Campaign Hard Difficulty. Victory Reward: 50 Points Objective: Complete Every Campaign. Versatile Reward: 10 Points Objective: Earn 3 Star Rank in every Class on Easy. Resourceful Reward: 20 Points Objective: Earn 3 Star Rank in every Class on Medium. Flawless Reward: 30 Points Objective: Earn 3 Star Rank in every Class on Hard. Go Getter Reward: 10 Points Objective: Earn 25 stars in a Campaign. Man of Action Reward: 30 Points Objective: Earn 50 stars in a Campaign. Hot Shot Reward: 50 Points Objective: Earn 100 stars in Campaign Mode. Take Charge Reward: 5 Points Objective: Win One Level with the Bots Not Finishing Tasks. Born Leader Reward: 10 Points Objective: Win All Levels with the Bots Not Finishing Tasks. Beat the Clock Reward: 5 Points Objective: Win One Stopwatch Match. Stick to the Plan Reward: 5 Points Objective: Win One Objective Match. Tempus Fugit Reward: 10 Points Objective: Win All Levels in Stopwatch Mode. Mission Accomplished Reward: 10 Points Objective: Win All Levels in Objective Mode. Paved the Way Reward: 20 Points Objective: Win All Levels as Strogg. Sent Them Packing Reward: 20 Points Objective: Win All Levels as GDF. Top Dog Reward: 30 Points Objective: Instant Action Complete. Groundwork Reward: 15 Points Objective: Training Complete. Multiplayer: Commando: Recruit Reward: 10 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Soldier or Aggressor. Commando: Veteran Reward: 20 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Soldier or Aggressor. Commando: Expert Reward: 30 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Soldier or Aggressor. Corpsman: Recruit Reward: 10 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Medic or Technician. Corpsman: Veteran Reward: 20 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Medic or Technician. Corpsman: Expert Reward: 30 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Medic or Technician. Emissary: Recruit Reward: 10 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Covert-Ops or Infiltrator. Emissary: Veteran Reward: 20 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Covert-Ops or Infiltrator. Emissary: Expert Reward: 30 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Covert-Ops or Infiltrator. Munitions: Recruit Reward: 10 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Field-Ops or Oppressor. Munitions: Veteran Reward: 20 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Field-Ops or Oppressor. Munitions: Expert Reward: 30 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 3 10 Times as a Field-Ops or Oppressor. Fortifier: Recruit Reward: 10 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 1 10 Times as a Engineer or Constructor. Fortifier: Veteran Reward: 20 Points Objective: Achieve Rank 2 10 Times as a Engineer or Constructor. Spawning Vehicles: ------------------ Hit [Ctrl]+[Alt]+~, then enter the codes below to spawn the desired vehicle. Note: Strogg stuff has some different spawn names but just try the regular names (Hog, Desecrator, Tormentor, Icarus). spawn_vehicle - husky spawn_vehicle - titan spawn_vehicle - anasai spawn_vehicle - bumbelbee spawn_vehicle - mcp spawn_vehicle - platpus spawn_deployable X - Where X is a deployable name (e.g. spawn_deployable radar jammer)