Emily Is Away Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Icons: ------ To enter these codes, you must reset all progress and enter the codes when typing in your screen name. Entering these screen names will unlock respective icons. (Your first name does not need to be the first name of the character) Effect Name ---------------------------------------------------- All icons unlocked - password123 Actual Sun Light - Sunlight ArcadeFire icon - A*Fire BioShock icon - Bioshock, daddy Borderlands icon - BorderLands Brad's icon - Brad Brad's icons - BradDarko23 Chilled Chaos icon - Chilled Chaos Cibele icon - cibele Coheed and cambria icon - grimecraft ColdPlay icon - Emerly35 Crafting icon - Minecraft, Notch Daft Punk icon - Daftpunk Death From Above 1979 icon - DFA1979 Disco Dodgeball icon - disco, dodgeball Dota icon - dota,valve Elegy for a Dead World icon - elegy Half-Life icon - Freeman, Half Life Her Story - H3RST0RY hjtenchi's i-con - Hjtenchi Interpol icon - interpol Job Simulator icon - JobBot Julie's icon - julie, jules Kappa icon - kappa, twitch ModestMouse - ModestMouse Mushroom 11 icon - mushroom Nine Inch Nail icon - NineInch Prodigy icon - Prodigy RadioHead icon - RadioHead Robot Loves Kitty icon - robot, kitty Sigur Ros icon - Sigurros Snow Patrol icon - Snow*Patrol Stanley Parable icon - stanley,cheat Stroke icon - stroke The Binding of Isaac - Isaac666 The Binding of Isaac icon - Isaac The Walking Dead icon - zombies Travis - TravisDaMan Travis' icon - Travis Vault 111 icon - Fallout Zelda icon - Triforce Vault 111 from Fallout 4! - vaultboy His Name is John Cena (Steam) - JohnCena Cake - Chell buddy icons - Clippy flowey the flower! - undertale Doge icon - muchusername Dota icon - Dota2 Elegy icon - Deadword Jacksepticeye - The green eye icon